Unit 2010V1 Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

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Unit 2010V1 Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

Unit Overview

Unit 2010V1 Understanding corporate social responsibility is a critical unit within the CMI level 2 module that helps to improve the understanding of the various principles of leadership. Corporate social responsibility is a critical concept that should govern and guide all interactions and activities within the organisation. Leaders must understand the principles of corporate social responsibility to ensure that they are able to add value to the human and non-human stakeholders of the organisation. This includes being able to promote environmental sustainability through practices that are aligned with the need to improve the environment and reduce the rates of pollution which could compromise the environment.

The leaders must therefore be trained and guided to understand the role of corporate governance from this context of corporate social responsibility. They are also guided to understand the environmental and social parts of corporate social responsibility, ensuring that they can satisfactorily address the issues associated with these different parts of the practice and principles. Unit 2010V1 Understanding corporate social responsibility is a critical unit that focuses on improving the understanding and ability of the leaders within an organisation to adequately address the environmental needs of their areas of responsibility.

The unit covers information that prepares both aspiring and new leaders for their duties and responsibilities in the process of handling the needs of its immediate stakeholders and society in general. This unit is critical for leaders as it prepares them to handle activities and practices within their teams or organisations and ensure that they are aligned with the current and future trends in corporate social responsibility. The unit is taught in 20 hours of guided learning and contributes 5 credit values towards the completion of the CMI level 2 module.

Suitability of the Unit

Corporate social responsibility are critical principles that guide the activities and operations within organisations. All activities and practices within t eh workplace should ensure that they add value to its human and non-human stakeholders. This includes being able to promote positive environmental sustainability and conservation approaches and embracing procedures that increase the value of its immediate environment. As such, Unit 2010V1 Understanding corporate social responsibility is a unit that is relevant and suitable for leaders within the workplace since it ensures that it prepares them for the roles of managing and leading activities within the workplace.

It adds knowledge of principles that should guide corporate social responsibility to other leadership skills and capabilities developed by the leader. The unit is designed to meet the learning needs of the team leaders. This involves preparing both new and aspiring leaders to lead project teams hence ensuring that CSR principles are introduced at the lowest levels of operation within the workplace. However, the unit is also suitable for other leaders and stakeholders.

The employees and team members can pursue the unit to understand suitable behaviours and practices that contribute towards meeting the corporate social responsibility of the team. The unit is also suitable for leaders in higher ranks within the organisation, including senior and middle managers. These are individuals tasked with making strategic and tactical decisions and could benefit by improving their knowledge and understanding in line with their role in meeting the corporate social responsibilities of the organisation.

Unit 2010V1 Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of corporate social responsibility and the critical components of corporate social responsibility plans and policies

  • Describe the environmental and social parts of corporate social responsibility

  • Understand the role of corporate governance in promoting corporate social responsibility within the organisation.

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of a team leader in promoting corporate social responsibility

  • Understand the contribution that the team should ah vein boosting corporate social responsibility

  • Show knowledge of the different approaches of communication that can be implemented in communicating corporate social responsibilities to team members

  • Show knowledge of different forms of corporate social responsibilities that could impact the performance of the teams within the workplace

  • Understand the impact of corporate social responsibility on the current and future prospects of the organisation or team

Key Learning Areas

Unit 2010V1 Understanding corporate social responsibility focuses on building knowledge and understanding of the practices that are aligned with CSR principles. Some of the main areas of learning that this unit covers include:

Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This area of learning lays the foundation for understanding the principles of corporate social responsibility. The learners in this area of learning are introduced to the concept, including the environmental and social elements of CSR. Lastly, they are guided o understand the role that corporate governance plays in setting the desired standards of CSR and improving the sustainability of practices within the organisation.

Role of Team Leaders and the Team in CSR

This area of learning introduces the learners to understanding the different contributions of team leaders and team members on corporate social responsibility. They are guided to understand the influence that teams and leaders could have in shaping the CSR practices and attitudes within the organisation and, thence impact their activities and procedures in accomplishing work tasks. This area of learning also builds the ability of the learners to effectively communicate with the team in relation to the corporate social responsibilities requirement. They are guided to set effective objectives and goals that each team member must accomplish to ensure the principles are putting place.

Impact of CSR on the Organisation

This area of learning focuses on understanding the current and future implications of CSR on the organisation and its practices. Learners are guided to understand the different forms of CSR that could affect the performance of team members in various work tasks as well as affect the relationship within the team hence compromise productivity. They are also guided to understand the impacts that future changes in CSR, such as environmental sustainability, could have on the progress of accomplishing tasks and objectives within the team hence affecting the performance of the teams, departments, or overall organisation.

Wrap Up

This unit is an interactive and practical lesson that builds theoretical and practical knowledge of the concept of CSR. After completing the unit, the learners are required to provide an assessment that covers professional experience and mastery of the learned concepts. The assessment includes a written assessment and case studies that evaluate the concepts learned within the unit.


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