713 Applied Research for Strategic Leaders

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713 Applied Research for Strategic Leaders

Unit Overview

713 Applied Research for Strategic Leaders is a unit within the CMI Level 7 module that focuses on improving the ability of leaders to handle the activities within the workplace. Leaders must be able to conduct research that is relevant within their organisational setting. They should be able to effectively follow the process of conducting research to ensure that their leadership practice is based on effective information within the workplace. Research is critical in backing the evidence-based practice that forms a significant part of modern approaches to organisational activities and practices.

It helps the leader to collect information from different sources that is reliable and relevant in the case of applying specific adjustments to their organisations to maximise performance in the respective areas of operation. Leaders must have an understanding of principles. Practices and steps of conducting applied research. They should be able to devise research questions from the subject hence ensuring that they complete the study effectively and efficiently. This makes it important for leaders to undergo leadership and management training that prepares them for leadership roles by building skills for research.

713 Applied Research for Strategic Leaders is a unit that addresses the learning needs of leaders in relation to being effective in conducting applied research. Within the unit, the leaders are introduced to various principles that they can use in the process of conducting research on their intended subjects. They are guided to understand the steps and methods that are applicable in achieving the desired levels of study on a subject to generate recommendations and conclusions on a subject that is being studied. Applied research focuses on practical approaches within the workplace hence improving the ability of the leaders to oversee their activities effectively. The unit is taught in 18 hours of guided learning and contributes 7 credit values towards the completion of the module.

Suitability of the Unit

Leaders must be able to effectively conduct research that focuses on ensuring that they contribute towards meeting the set goals and objectives. The leaders need to ensure they build the skills and capabilities related to research. This involves being able to effectively identify the need for research and put up strategies to ensure that they can conduct these studies effectively. This makes 713 Applied Research for Strategic Leaders a critical unit in improving the leadership practice by streamlining skills in relation to handling specific organisational objectives and goals. The unit is suitable for leaders since it builds their capabilities to handle different roles and responsibilities in strategically improving the performance of the organisation.

The unit is designed for the learning needs of the senior managers within the organisations. These are leaders, including the CEOs and directors, who oversee the setting of the organisation environment and adaption of various activities that contribute towards meeting strategic goals set for the company. With this unit, they are able to improve their capabilities in addressing the needs of the company for the current needs and future standards that the organisation is expected to achieve. The unit can also be applied to middle managers, and junior leaders. External consultants and individuals within the labour market are interested in leadership roles and responsibilities, especially at the strategic level.

713 Applied Research for Strategic Leaders

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the need for applied research in supporting strategic leadership practice within the organisation

  • Evaluate the organisational and legal requirements in relation to the applied research practices within the workplace

  • Appraise the different research designs that can be used in applied research for strategic roles within the organisation

  • Understand different methods of data collection that can be used within the workplace

  • Evaluate the analysis and interpretation of the data collected in the research process to ensure that research subjects are adequately covered

  • Make recommendations based on the findings of the study within the workplace

Key Learning Areas

This is a unit that focuses on improving the ability of the strategy within the workplace to effectively collect and analyse information to support organisational decision-making within the workplace. Some of the main areas of learning include:

Conducting Effective Operations Research

This area of learning helps the learners to understand the initial and basic stages of research within their areas of responsibility. It involves understanding the role that research plays within the workplace as well as the stages of data collection and tabulation. The data taught the differences between various types of research, including qualitative and quantitative research methods, that they can apply within their various areas of learning. The area of learning also guides the learner to understand different methods of data collection for each type of research, including the secondary and primary data collection methods. They are guided to effectively use tabulation of data to present collected data.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

This area of learning involves being able to analyse and interpret the data collected to make justified conclusions and arguments. The learners are guided to use mathematical models and software such as SPSS and Matlab to identify the relationships between variables being studied within the research process. This involves understanding techniques such as regression analysis and Chi-Squared analysis which contribute to analysing research data and interpreting it to make valid arguments on the topic being studied. Learners are also introduced to different approaches to representing data.

This includes being able to represent data in diagrammatic forms that provide a summary of the findings as well as make it easy to make presentations in the recommendation process. Learners are lastly guided in understanding the process and procedure of implementing the findings of the study within their areas of responsibility to influence already established practices and approaches within t eh workplace.


On completing the unit, the learners are taken through the evaluation process. This involves completing a written assessment of the concepts that have been learned. The assessment tests the amatory of theoretical concepts as well as the ability to apply the learned concepts in practical settings.



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