8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers

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8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers

8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers is a unit within ILM Level 2 Module that focuses on improving the value that the organisation adds to its customers. Good leaders must ensure that the unit they lead, either organisation or team, is able to improve the value proposition that it gives to the customers daily. This is achieved by mastering information and skills that enable the leaders to influence the unit they lead to ensure that there are effective quality control and quality assurance approaches in place.

The unit focuses on guiding practitioners and potential leaders pursuing the course on best approaches to analyse the quality that they give to the customers. This ensures that they appreciate the role of giving  quality to the customer thus improving the performance of the unit of leadership such as team. The main aim and purpose of this unit are to develop an understanding on the role of providing quality to customers and building skills that are necessary for ensuring the leaders can facilitate the process of providing quality to the customers.

Which is the responsibility of practising or potential team leaders. The unit learners are required to go through 6 learning hours which is translated to 1 credit value hence indicating the importance of the unit in contributing to the overall completion of the ILM Level 2 module.

Who Can Enroll for this Unit?

All leaders have a responsibility towards their customers. This involves ensuring that the unit they lead is able to provide quality products and services to their customers hence facilitating success in organisational goals and objectives as well as creating sustainable practices that are aligned to quality practices. The unit is, therefore, applicable to all leaders within organiziaonts as it facilitates the process of integrating measures and approaches focused on quality control and quality assurance in the organisation.

Team leaders are more benefited with the unit since they are required to influence the activities within the teams, which have a direct impact on the customers. The team leaders, through this unit, are able to acquire information that helps them to develop quality control strategies and measures as well as establish effective quality assurance systems for the teams and organisations that they lead. Additionally, external consultants can be significantly benefited by this unit. These are individuals recruited by organisiaonts to provide support on decision-making on a contractual basis.

The unit helps them to understand the process of quality control and assurance, improving the nature and quality of services they provide to the organisations. Lastly, employees can use the unit as a step of growing as professionals and preparing them for leadership positions within the teams and organisations they are engaged. The unit helps them to further understand the principles of providing quality services hence improving their contribution to the team and organisation in general.

8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of quality to the customer

  • Distinguish between quality assurance and quality control hence ensure that they can devise effective strategies of providing quality to the customers.

  • Set up a quality system that is in alignment with the organisational policies and goals hence facilitating success in various organisation activities with a focus on quality.

  • Show an understanding of the different methods of monitoring quality when leading a team

  • Identify both driving and restraining factors to the provision of quality to the customers in their areas of responsibility

  • Set up strategies for evaluating the process of improvement in quality propositions offered to the customers

  • Put up measures to address the factors that could affect the process of providing quality to the customers.

Key Learning Areas

8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers focuses on guiding the leaders in developing practical and theoretical skills required to establish and put up quality propositions within their units of leadership. The unit, therefore, aims at covering different areas of learning that help them understand the principles of quality management within the organisation. The main areas of learning within the unit include:

Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Quality control and quality assurance are important practices that a team leader has to master to ensure that they are able to achieve their duties within the teams effectively. 8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers ensures that the learners, practising and potential team leaders, understand the differences between quality control and quality assurance within the context of the team.

Understanding this helps them to build effective quality systems that meet the needs and expectations of the customers by increasing the quality value proposition that the team offers to the customers. The learners are also made to understand the costs associated with quality, such as prevention, inspection and failure and how these costs affect the performance of their teams. This is important in ensuring there is an understanding of the implications of quality aspects within the team.

Management of Quality Practices

Quality practices are critical in dictating the activities that are accepted within the team as well as standards that should be met in services or provisions to the customers. The unit provides informations on issues such as quality systems that are informed by the needs of the customers and the organisational policies to ensure that there is a pursuit for the satisfaction of customer needs and accomplishment of organisational goals and objectives.

This area also helps the learners to understand the quality standards and how they can be used to improve the efficiency of the quality systems. Lastly, the learners are introduced to steps of managing quality, especially within teams. This improves their ability to guide the team members to achieve the expectations and standards that have been set out by the organisation and are in compliance with the legal frameworks.

Wrap Up 

8000-257 Providing Quality to Customers covers critical areas of learning that are important in improving the professional performance and practice of leaders. The areas covered are directly related to the provision of products and services in the market hence creating a critical area for the leaders to learn. After completing the unit, the learners are required com complete different forms of assessment, including responding to questions on the unit and showing mastery of the concepts in supervised practice and simulation.


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