8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values

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8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values

Unit Overview

8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values is a unit within the ILM Level 6 module that focuses on preparing the middle managers or senior/ executive management positions. It builds their understanding and knowledge of approaches that they can use to create an understanding of the corporate vision and inspire employees to pursue the vision. Leaders at senior levels must be able to create strategic visions that focus on driving the organisation towards the long-term target. This involves being able to align the organisation to achieving the long-term financial, market share and stakeholder benefits that are desired within the organisation.

Setting a corporate vision could also include being able to achieve various goals that include corporate social responsibility targets or procedural approaches. The leaders need to understand the core values of goal setting and communication approaches that are effective in driving the employees towards generating a common goal that is aligned to the corporate vision. 8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values is a critical unit that introduces the learners to principles and techniques that they can use to effectively create a corporate vision and motivate or include others to pursue the vision that has been identified.

The unit has the aim of improving the ability and skills to develop strategic vision and create incentives that can be sued to achieve these goals.t eh leaders are guided to develop effective techniques to lure others to achieve a similar perspective and point of view, which is critical for senior managers and middle managers within the organisation. The unit is taught in 11 hours of guided learning and contributes 6 credit values towards the completion of the ILM module.

Suitability of the Unit

Senior and middle managers are the most suited to this unit. The unit helps to build an understanding of the models and frameworks that can be used to build commitment to corporate vision and values. It involves being able to effectively develop the vision and values to be embraced within the organisation and communicating these visions to the followers or other employees within the workplace to ensure that they are committed to achieving the visions and implementing the values that have been identified in their specific areas of responsibility. 8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values is therefore important in building the ability of the leaders to effectively develop corporate visions using principles that are backed by theoretical models and evidence-based practice.

The senior and middle managers are also guided to understand different approaches to communication and select the approaches that are most effective in their case hence facilitating the accomplishment of the desired visions. The unit is, however also applicable to another stakeholder within the workplace. External consultants can use the information to effectively build the ability to provide decisions making support in different areas of the organisation. Employees and other leaders can pursue the unit to prepare them for promotions and future leadership engagement within the workplace. It also helps them to understand the values that are developed within the workplace.

8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Discuss and agree with stakeholders on the processes that can be sued to review the organisation’s vision, values and policies towards corporate social responsibility and sustainability

  • Lead the stakeholder in reviewing and revising the organisation's vision, policies and values, and its policies on corporate social responsibility and sustainability

  • Review the organisational culture, management and leadership styles to ensure that the internal communications, operation systems, procedures and practices support the values and visions of the organisation

  • Create a strategy to support the organisation’s statement of vision and values that focuses on developing sustainable culture and committeeman to corporate social responsibility

Key Learning Areas

8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values focuses on building an understanding of the different approaches that can be sued within the workplace to achieve the organisation’s visions and set a specific set of values. Some of the main areas of learning include

Commitment to the Vision and Values of the Organisation

This area of learning helps the learners to understand the different policies, values, visions and aspects of corporate social responsibility that are implemented within the workplace. The learners are guided to understand effective approaches of collaboration with stakeholders that can help to understand and improve the accomplishment of the set goals in relation to these aspects. Learners are also guided to understand approaches that they can use to evaluate the organisation's culture in relation to accomplishing the set corporate visions and values and facilitating success in various areas of the organisation. Lastly, Learners are guided to understand the role of practice communication and collaboration in boosting the development of an effective culture that focuses on aligning the people that are being led within the workplace to the corporate vision and values hence bundling the commitment to practices and policies that have been established within the workplace.

Creating corporate Vision and values

This area of learning focuses on improving the ability of the learners to make effective and sustainable decisions that are aligned to improving commitment to corporate visions. It helps to understand different principles and strategies that can be sued in developing desired values. This includes structures for internal communication, development, sustainability and equal opportunity that can guide the culture within the organisation. The understanding of these structures helps the leaders to ensure they put up long-term and short-term commitments to develop meaningful progress for their organisations, the environment, the local communities and the future stakeholders of the organisation.


Upon completion of the unit, the learners are put through the evaluation processes; the evaluation consists of a written assessment which includes indicating the mastery of the concepts that have been learned within 8316-610 Building Commitment to Corporate Vision and Values as well as supervised practice that aims at improving the performance of the leaders in terms of practical implementation of the content that has been learned. Simulated exercises and case studies can be sued in various stages of the learning process of act as formative assessments of the learning process.



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