8607-515 Managing Work Analysis

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8607-515 Managing Work Analysis

Unit Overview

8607-515 Managing Work analysis is a unit within the ILM Level 5 qualification in the leadership and management module. The unit focuses on helping the learners to understand the various aspects of work that inform the practices ad job roles within the work. Leaders must be able to understand the procedures and practices within the organisation. They should also be responsible for creating the specific job roles and responsibilities that employees play within the organisation. This ensures that they can effectively handle their employees to facilitate success in different tasks by creating work clarity in these areas. Work analysis involves the process of collecting information on job roles and working practices within the organisation.

This is the role of leaders to ensure that they can utilise the information collected within the organisations and industry level to generate decisions and conclusions that promote the organisation's interests and success in different areas of practice. This is critical information for the leaders within the organisation to focus on achieving organisational goals and objectives.

The main purpose and aim of 8607-515 Managing Work analysis are to help the leaders to conduct an effective work analysis in their areas of operation to identify areas and strategies of improvement as well as make decisions within the organisation, which is a primary role of middle-level managers. The unit achieves this by helping the learners to acquire the theoretical understanding of work analysis as well as build the skills required for the process. The unit is taught in 12 hours of guided learning and contributes 3 credit values towards the completion of the ILM Level 5 Qualification in Leadership and Management.

Suitability of the Unit

Work analysis is critical for all stakeholders within the organisation. It is important that all human resource understand their roles, responsibilities and work practices associated with their positions. This is achieved by being able to gather and collect information from different sources that contribute to building the knowledge and understanding of the aspects associated with their job engagements. It is, therefore, important to pursue a course that helps to improve the understanding of critical concepts that are associated with this process of evaluating the job and conducting an effective work analysis within the organisation.

8607-515 Managing Work analysis, therefore, is a critical unit that is suitable to all stakeholders tasked with various duties within t eh workplace. The unit helps them to effectively examine their jobs for improvement.The unit is designed to meet the learning needs of middle-level managers. This includes departmental heads, line managers and regional leaders within the organisation.

 It helps them to understand their contribution to helping the employees within their areas of responsibility to develop an effective understanding of their roles in the workplace. The unit is, however, suitable for other stakeholders, including the team leaders and junior managers who oversee activities within teams. It can also be used to improve the understanding and abilities of executive managers in making strategic decisions that are effective within the workplace. The unit can also be pursued by employees and team members within the organisation to maximise their contribution to the organisation.

8607-515 Managing Work Analysis

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of work analysis and its contribution to continuous improvement within the organisation

  • Identify an area of work in their area of responsibility and conduct effective work analysis on this area to help contribute to the achievement of one or more strategic objectives within the organisation

  • Conduct work analysis in the selected area of responsibility using various work analysis methods or techniques

  • Use the outcome of the work analysis to identify areas that need improvements that can be refined into processes

  • Implement a formal decision-making technique in identifying the outcome that is best in meeting the desired strategic objective from work analysis findings

  • Evaluate eth outcome and its consequences within the organisation

Key Learning Areas

8607-515 Managing Work analysis is a unit that focuses on improving the ability of the learners to effectively analyse their work environment, including the understanding of job roles and specifications which are critical in improving the performance of the leader and employees within the organisation. Some of the main areas of focus within the unit include:

Strategic Context

This area of learning focuses on aligning the process of work analysis, including job specifications, job descriptions and changes in working practices to the organisational goals and objectives. Leaders must understand approaches that they can use to ensure work analysis is used to achieve the organisational aims and goals. This area is, therefore, critical in providing information on connecting these elements hence ensuring maximum impacts of the work analysis on organisational performance.

Work Analysis

This area of learning helps the learner to develop the ability to effectively conduct work analysis. It introduces them to different forms of data, including qualitative and quantitative data as well as verifiable and reliable data. The area also introduces methods and techniques of work analysis that are relevant to the middle manager, including competency modelling, method study, job diagnostic survey and critical incident technique. In this area, the learner is guided to relate the findings of work analysis to efficiency, effectiveness and productivity within the organisation.

Decision Making

This area of learning focuses on helping the learners to use the findings of the work analysis process to influence the practices and processes within their organisation. It creates skills and capabilities that can be used to make sustainable change. In this area, the learner is guided to understand various concepts, including data analysis, data information and evaluation of decisions to determine its consequences on the organisation and its resources, such as human resources. The area also covers decisions making methods such as cost-benefit analysis, comparison analysis and decision matrix.


On completing the unit, the learners are put through an assessment process. They are required to complete a written assessment which evaluates the mastery of the content that has been taught within the unit. Case studies and simulated exercises form a critical pillar of the unit to ensure that learners are able to apply the concepts in practical settings.


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