311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project

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311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project

Unit Overview

311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project is a unit that focuses on improving the ability of leaders to manage and oversee the completion of a project. This is a unit within the CMI level 3 module that improves the capabilities of that leaders to utilise resources assigned for a specific project and ensure that they deliver on the project. The leaders must be able to identify the relevant resources that they should use in their specific teams. This includes being able to effectively identify the right people to put in a project and manage these teams to ensure that they contribute to delivering on the goals and objectives. The leaders must be repaired to either contribute by influencing others within the project team or playing an activities role in completing work tasks and duties that exist within the workplace to ensure that they are able to lead the team towards fulfilling its goals and objectives and delivering its mandate within the workplace. The leader, therefore, needs to undergo training that helps to improve the understanding of the role of people within the project teams in delivering on specific projects.

311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project is a unit that contributes to shaping the leaders to lead project teams toward accomplishing their goals and objectives. Leaders are trained within this unit to build the capabilities of having a positive impact on the ability of individuals within the team to deliver on a specific mandate that they are assigned as a project. The unit contributes further in ensuring that the leaders are able to impact people within their areas of responsibility to ensure that they achieve their goals and objectives. The unit is taught in 30 hours of guided learning and contributes 6 credit values towards the completion of the CMI Level 3 module.

Suitability of the Unit

Stakeholders have a responsibility to ensure that they play their roles towards the completion of a project within which they are engaged. Each stakeholder has an active part in a team. 311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project is, therefore, a suitable unit in ensuring that these stakeholders are trained and guided to build the desired standards and levels of practice that helps them to actively contribute towards their project activities. The unit helps to shape the ability of the stakeholder to engage in collaborative teamwork to achieve the day-to-day activities tasked to them to ensure that project goals are achieved.

The unit is designed to meet the learning needs of first-level managers and supervisors within the workplace. It provides these stakeholders with the training and understanding of principles to put in place to ensure they deliver results in the daily activities of a project team. The unit is also applicable to other stakeholders within the workplace. Senior and middle managers can use this information to ensure that they provide relevant resources that aid the teams to achieve the projects they are pursuing. Other leaders in junior levels can use this unit to prepare them for promotions to leadership roles as well as ensure they understand the role they should play to deliver results within their areas of operation.

311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should e babel to:

  • Understand the differences between projects and daily activities within the workplace

  • Understand the reasons for using projects within the organisation and the different types o projects used within the workplace

  • Explain different stages of the project lifecycle

  • Understand the information required for developing a project and the relevant engagement with stakeholders to ensure the completion of the project

  • Produce a project plan

  • Mobilise resources required to complete a project and identify roles involved in the delivery of the project, including being able to communicate project activities to individuals

  • Understand factors that could affect the allocation o resources and activities to individuals as well as methods of managing risk within the implementation of the project

  • Outline the process of monitoring the progress of the project against the project plan and estimates

  • Identify tools that can be implemented to monitor and implement corrective actions in cases o variance within the project planning and implementation

  • Assess the completed projects to evaluate the efficiency and reliability of the project

Key Learning Areas

311 Contributing to the Delivery of a Project focuses on ensuring that the leaders are able to effectively handle the project. Some of the key areas of learning within this unit include:

Understanding Project is the Workplace

This area of learning focuses on ensuring that the learners understand the principles and significance of projects. They are guided to understand the features of a project that make it different from their daily activities within the workplace. This area also helps in understanding the steps of developing an effective project plan.

Project Management 

This area of learning focuses on the actual implementation of the project. The learners are guided to understand the different principles to utilise in identifying and sourcing resources. They are also guided to the allocation of activities to other team members. This involves identifying the capacities of team members and developing them to ensure that they can fulfill the assigned roles and duties. The learners are also guided to effectively engage and communicate with other stakeholders in the process of implementing t eh project plan through briefings or meetings.

Monitoring Projects

This area of learning focuses on ensuring that the projects are able to achieve the designed goals and objectives. The learners are guided to understand the use of different tools to monitor the effectiveness of the project and its adherence to set plans. These tools may include feedback from stakeholders' performance appraisals, time schedules, and other tools for managing projects. The learners are also guided to understand variances in the actual implementation and the plan or budget of the project.t they are also helped to understand different corrective actions that can be used to address the variances.


The evaluation process for this unit is critical in determining the accomplishment of the learning outcomes. The learners are required to complete a written assessment which determines the mastery of both theoretical and practical concepts within the learning process.


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