3Cja Contributing to the Process of Job Analysis

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3CJA Contributing to the process of Job Analysis

3CJA is a significant unit to both individual and organisation at large as it helps to facilitate the attainment of set goals and objectives through job satisfaction. The overall purpose of this module is to equip learners with an understanding on principles and practice of job analysis and job design. The module will help student understand the concept of job analysis.

Therefore, every CIPD student is required to undertake the subject to understand how to manage the organisation’s resources effectively.  As a leader of an organisation, one is able to understand every requirements of a specific job occupation through job analysis. For instance, the concept helps you to gain the required skills, knowledge, and expertise of the vacant occupation.

Module Objectives

Upon the successful completion of 3CJA Unit, every scholar should be able to understand the following;

·       Definition of the term Job Analysis

·       The process of job analysis

·       The significance of job analysis to both an individual and the organisation

·       Different methods of data collection in job analysis

·       Emerging trends in job analysis

·       Be able to undertake a job analysis

·       Develop a plan to undertake a job analysis

·       Different methods of job analysis

·       Explain the purpose and principles of job analysis

·       Be able to interpret and present the results of job analysis and be able to make recommendations.

3cja contributing to the process of job analysis

Module Content

This module helps learners to understand several concepts under the process of job analysis. First, it gives an insight of the main purpose of job analysis to both an individual and the organisation at large. For example, as a result of hiring a knowledgeable employee the organisation can enjoy in terms of increased productivity. The employee, on the other hand, can enjoy in terms of job satisfaction as a result of having the required knowledge and skills to execute the required tasks.

Also, 3CJA Module helps learners to understand the entire process of job analysis, starting from purpose identification through creating a job description and identification of the training need. The second step involve collection of relevant information related to the job through different methods such as observation and use interviews.  Therefore, through 3CJA, one is able understand the roles played by job analysis technique in;

Recruitment and Selection

To help the organisation hire the best candidate for the job through scrutinizing his education qualifications, level of experience in terms of skills, and his ability to manage emotions at workplace. Also help the orginisation hire the most talented employees.

Training and Development

Job analysis can be used to identify the required training needs for the hired individuals and recommend the best training approach to undertake. Training programs will also be introduced in the company to help all other employees gain more skills. The programs will also motivate employees to work hard.

Employee Compensation

This module helps to inform students on the best way to compensate employees after hiring.  For example, job analysis can be used to recommend the minimum wage for the hired person, state the remuneration methods such as job promotion among others. Also compensating employees in cases of accidents.

Performance Analysis

Through job analysis, learners are able to understand the main focus of any organisation; which is the attainment of set goals and objectives. Therefore, job analysis helps to identify the performance of an employee and its alignment towards the set goals and objectives. It will also help the learner understand on ways to motivate the employees to achieve set vision for the company. This module will also help the learner understand that employees should be assigned to roles that they best perform in.

Job Designing and Redesigning

Learners will learn how to create values that benefit both the employers and employees to achieve set goals and objectives. They will also learn on the principles of job design like productivity, speed, quality, sustainability etc.

Module Applicability

3CJA module is relevant to the following individuals;

Human Resource Management Students

They can understand the whole concept of job analysis, stating from the process of job analysis up to the methods of data collection. They will also gain skills on job analysis and design that will help them in their career.

Organisation Management

The organisation management can gain from this module as it helps them to understand how to undertake the whole process of job analysis to ensure they maintain the performance of the employee and the organisation at large.

Employment Seekers

Individuals looking to be hired by a given organisation can benefit from the module as a result of learning the specification the advertised occupation such as education level, knowledge, skills, and expertise.


The organisation can attain its set goals and objectives as a result of hiring the best person for the advertised job.

Human Resource and Learning and Development Practitioners Advancing Skills

Individuals looking to gain more skills in their field. They are looking for more skills that make them competitive in the job market. They are also building a long career where they work.

Sum-Up and Evaluation

The unit content is designed to equip learners with knowledge and skills required for use in a number of methods of conducting job analysis like questionnaires, interviews and observation. The module focuses on the principles of job design and the use of job analysis data in the practice of job design. By the end of the module learners will have developed an understanding of how job analysis and design fit in the professional area of an organisation design.

The learners understanding to the module will be assessed through a word written document. The learner will demonstrate their understanding by achieving the modules outcomes in the assessment document. The learners are required to use examples from the organisation that they work in while studying. This will help them gain a deeper understanding to the module. Learners will also understand the importance of the module to their career life.

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