8000-277 Building an Awareness of Waste Management

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8000-277 Building an Awareness of Waste Management

8000-277 Building an Awareness of Waste Management is a unit within the ILM Level 2 Module that helps to build the understanding of leaders on the critical issue of waste management. Waste has become one of the main causes of environmental pollution. As such, it is important to ensure that organisations can effectively handle their waste to minimise the negative effects that it could have on the environment. This unit helps to build the understanding of the learners on critical factors involving waste management.

They are guided to understand both the ethical and legal frameworks that require the leaders to effectively manage waste originating from their organisations to ensure that they run ethical organisations. The unit further improves the understanding of the benefits that effective waste management techniques could have on the performance of the workplace and the team in specific.

The main purpose and aim of this unit is to provide the learners with relevant information that they can use to build an awareness of waste management and its impact on the performance of the organisation in the legal and ethical context. It further improves the understanding of the legal requirements when handling waste to ensure that the organisation is compliant with the set laws governing the practice. The unit is taught in 9 hours of guided learning and contributes to 2 credit values towards the completion of the ILM Level 2 Module

Suitability of the Unit

The organisation is characterised by stakeholders who are required to master information on effective waste management techniques. As such, the unit is significantly applicable to different groups of stakeholders within the organisation in ensuring that they engage in ethical and legal waste management behaviours. Primarily, the unit is designed to provide training to team leaders and supervisors within the organisation.

These are leaders who are responsible for overseeing the activities within specific project teams in ensuring that the organisational goals and objectives are achieved. As such, building awareness among these groups of leaders is important in laying an effective foundation that sets the culture of the organisation and the attitudes of other team members towards waste management practices. The course is, however not limited to the team leaders and supervisors.

Other leaders can use the information and knowledge provided within the unit to build an overall strategy that is aimed at improving compliance with the laws associated with waste management.Additionally, external consultants, required to provide support towards decision-making in waste management, are suited to the course as it helps to improve their ability to provide information-backed advice. Lastly, the employees and team members can pursue the course to build their ability to contribute to policy development in line with waste management as well as prepare them for leadership within other organisations.

8000-277 Building an Awareness of Waste Management

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Show understanding of the impact of their industry on the environment

  • Understand the critical waste produced within the organisation and hence its impact on the local environment

  • Show knowledge of good waste management practice

  • Relate waste managing practices to performance within the organisation

  • Show understanding of the effects that could arise as a result of poor waste management

  • Identify specific organisational policies that are designed to improve the process of waste management

  • Develop action plans for resource efficiency and waste minimisation within their areas of responsibility

  • Show awareness of the environmental legislation in relation to waste management

  • Outline the requirements of duty care regulations (1991(

Key Learning Areas

Understanding the principles of waste management requires the learners to cover several areas of learning. 8000-277 Building an Awareness of Waste Management provides guidelines that help the learners to cover the critical content that improves their understanding of the waste management concepts and techniques. Some of the key learning areas include:

Impact of Waste Management

 In this area, the learner is guided to understand the role that the organisation plays in improving the environmental sustainability of the surrounding. The learners are led to develop an understanding of the impacts that the overall industry they operate in has on the environment as well as the nature of waste that organisations within the industry emit into the environment. This helps them to relate the organisational activities to the impacts it has on the environment.

Benefits of Good Waste Management to the Organisation

Waste management could have a positive impact on the performance of the organisation. This area of learning helps the practising or potential leaders to understand the level of improvement that could be achieved within their organisations with proper waste management practices. It involves the cutting of costs that could be incurred in terms of legal suits as well as the benefits associated with improving brand reputation.

The area also helps to understand the costs that could be incurred in the process of managing waste hence improving the ability to set up sustainable and efficient approaches that could improve the performance of the organisation.

Good Waste Management Practice

This area of learning helps the learners develop an understanding of good waste management practices. They are guided to mastering the definition of good practice and the principles that should be applied when developing effective waste management practices within the organisation context.

This area is critical in ensuring that the team leaders can implement strategies that are focused on improving the organisational policy and aligning it to sustainable waste management approaches.

Legal Standards

Legal frameworks have been put in place to ensure that organisations are able to develop policies of waste management that are built on the sustainability of the environment. This area of learning introduces the learners to the different laws within the UK that govern the process of waste management. They are also guided to understanding the consequences associated with breaching or violating this law to eth organisation and the leaders.


At the sun of the unit, the learner is assessed to ensure the learning goals and objectives are achieved. The assessment involves a written assessment where the learners respond to provided questions on the unit as well as a supervised practice where the practical applications of the learned concept are assessed.



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