7EEG Employee Engagement

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7EEG Employee Engagement

Module Overview

7EEG Employee Engagement is a unit within CIPD advanced Level 7 that focuses on ensuring that the employees are actively involved in the organisational activities and practices. HR professionals have the responsibility of ensuring that they create an environment within which the employees can contribute effectively within the organisation. The process of creating this enabling and conducive environment for the workers leads to the setting of an environment that appreciates high-performance working. The practices are effective in ensuring that the employees are not only involved in critical organisational practices and activities but also make important contributions to the process of decision-making within their organisations.

Learners within this module are able to understand the theoretical frameworks that should be used to improve the engagement of the employees and facilitate sustainable involvement that helps to maximise the performance of the employees in different organisational engagements. The module further helps the learners to acquire the knowledge and rationale for the different emerging trends in employee engagement that are important in creating high-performance working status within the organisation. This involves being able to create evidence-based practices and processes that facilitate employee engagement and maximise the implementation of the strategies.

Learning Outcomes

The learners should pursue the course through different multidimensional strategies that ensure that they have different perspectives on the process of learning. One-to-one guidance with the assessor helps to ensure the learners understand the vital areas of learning, while different platforms, such as virtual electronic learning, facilitate the acquisition of both theoretical and simulated organisational contexts where the information should be taught within the unit should be used to address real-life situations. Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Analyse the concept of employee engagement and show an understanding of the main principles of the concept within an organisation.

  • Show an understanding of the theoretical and philosophical relationships between employee engagement and other organisational practices that have been developed within the organisation.

  • Identify the role that employee engagement plays in improving the standards of people practices that are administered within the organisation as well as the role in improving employee performance.

  • Identify different strategies that can be put in place within the organisation to facilitate employee engagement

  • Show understanding of the connection between employee engagement and organisational performance.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of different employee engagement strategies that have been implemented within the organisation.

7EEG Employee Engagement

Module Applicability

Employee engagement is a crick human resource management skill that is gaining significant popularity in the modern labour markets. Employee engagement influences the ability of the employees to be satisfied and motivated as well as the investment to the organisational goals and objectives. The course is very suitable, therefore, for the HR professionals who develop people practices. Human resource managers, HR business partners and other leaders tasked with making operational, tactical and strategic decisions that affect the performance of the employees are all benefited from this course since it improves their understanding of involvement and participation of the employees in achieving the desired levels of productivity.

The course is also applicable for general employees seeking to understand the role that their involvement within the organisational activities could have in boosting the process of decision-making. Through understanding the role of employee engagement in maximising the performance of the workers and the organisation in general, the HR professionals and executive and line managers can influence the profane of the workers and ensure that decision-making is based on information that is significantly provided by the employees. The external consultants should also pursue the module to ensure that their support to decision-making is informed on programs that can be used to improve the engagement and investment of the employees in organisational activities.

Key Learning Areas

This module should ensure that it develops the learners to a status where they can effectively support the organisational performance through the development of effective strategies and practices regarding the employees. Some of the areas that the module covers in achieving this goal include:

Employee Engagement

This learning area focuses on providing the learners with an understanding of the theoretical frameworks and concepts associated with the issue of employee engagement. The learners should understand the concept of employee engagement from a theoretical perspective and its benefits to the employees and organisation in general. This area ensures that they are able to focus on instilling the principles of employee engagement within the learners to develop an appreciation of the practice.

Employee Participation and Involvement

Learners are guided in identifying the difference between employee participation and involvement. These are critical elements of employee engagement that are differentiated by the role that the employee has to play in fulfilling the organisation's goals and objectives as well as involvement in the process of decision-making.

By providing learners with this information, the module aims at ensuring that different elements are used to facilitate the employee engaged.t the learners can develop strategies that facilitate employee voice, such as surveys and feedback from employees as well as those that foster employee involvement, such as staff training and seminars which are paramount in boosting knowledge and skills in different areas of the organisation.

Relationship between Employee Engagement and Employee Performance

To understand the need for employee engagement within the organisation, leaders need to be guided in understanding the impact that it has on organisational performance. This area of learning aims at ensuring that the learners are able to develop a connection between the performance of the organisation and the investment of the employees in organisational activities. As such, managers and other leaders pursuing the module are able to develop effective strategies and interventions that meet the needs and interests of their organisations.

Wrap Up

At the end of the unit, the learners are assessed to determine the efficiency of the learning processes in providing the desired learning standards. The assessment consists of a 4000 words written paper where the learners express their mastery of the theory and practice relating to employee engagement and its use within the organisational context. A work-based evidence template could also be used to determine the use of the learned concepts within the organisational context.



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