303 Managing Individuals To Be Effective In Their Role

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303 Managing Individuals To Be Effective In Their Role

Unit Overview

303 Managing Individuals to be Effective in their Role is a unit within the CMI level 3 module that improves the ability of leaders to handle the people under them within the workplace. the Leaders have a responsibility to ensure that their teams or areas of responsibility are well-situated and positioned to achieve the set tasks and responsibilities. This involves mobilising the right human resource for the tasks and responsibilities. However, the leaders must also ensure that they facilitate the process of ensuring that the individuals are positioned within different areas of the team.

This involves being able to coach, mentor, train, and develop the individuals based on the demands set on them within their areas of responsibilities or operation. Leaders must ensure that they provide these individuals within this area of practice with the necessary informational support that they need to accomplish their duties in such areas. They should manage their skills and performances by providing development activities for these roles. 303 Managing Individuals to be Effective in their Role is a unit that is designed to ensure that leaders have the ability to effectively manage people within their areas of responsibility to maximise their performance.

The leaders are provided with training on approaches that they can use to build the capacity of their teams and units to play their roles effectively. This unit aims at building the ability to set goals and objectives based on SMART goals for the team members and ensuring that they have the capability of achieving these goals. The unit is taught in 19 hours of guided learning and contributes 8 credit values towards the completion of the CMI Level 3 module

Who Is Suited To The Unit?

303 Managing Individuals to be Effective in their Role is a unit that aims at improving the capabilities and abilities of all stakeholders within the workplace. It improves the ability of the stakeholders to conduct self-assessments as well as utilise feedback received from their colleagues and leaders to understand deficiencies in skills and abilities. This helps them to pursue development activities that bridge these shortcomings and ensure that they are ready and equipped in terms of skills and capabilities to fulfill their roles and mandates within the workplace.

The unit is, however more suited to the leaders who are responsible for the development of the team members and employees within their areas of responsibility. This unit provides these leaders with training on approaches they can use to have individuals and build the capacities to effectively accomplish their roles. This unit is designed to provide the training required for supervisors and first-line managers within the workplace. The unit covers critical principles that are applicable in the case of first-line managers who have direct interaction with employees.

These individuals improve the ability of both team leaders and team members under them to play their roles and responsibilities in accomplishing project and work tasks hence boosting this suitability for their roles. However, the unit can be suited to other stakeholders interested in leadership roles, especially those that involve developing individuals to ensure they are able to effectively play their roles and contribute to the performance of the team and the organisation in general.

303 Managing Individuals To Be Effective In Their Role

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the sources of information that guide individuals’ work roles and responsibilities

  • Explain the various reasons that lead to the assessment o individual knowledge, skills and behaviours within the workplace and in accomplishing assigned tasks

  • Understand the methods of setting objectives for individuals and assessing the individual's capability in line with these objectives

  • Understand the process of working collaboratively with the team members to set clear objectives and improve performance in accomplishing these objectives

  • Identify a range of methods that enable the individuals to perform well within the workplace

  • Identify forms of motivation that can improve the performance of employees within the work roles, such as incentives for different levels of performance

  • understand the role of managing individual performance effectively within the workplace

  • Summarise tools that can be used to review the performance of an individual and measure outcomes against objectives

  • Understand the approaches to managing underperformance within the workplace for individuals within their areas of authority

Key Learning Areas

303 Managing Individuals to be Effective in their Role focuses on increasing ability to align with the goals of the objectives assigned in work roles. The unit covers areas of learning that include:

Goal Setting

goal setting is a critical step in managing the performance of individuals. This area of learning introduces the learners to different approaches that can be implemented in improving the performance of employees in alignment with the performance within a team. The area of learning contributes to creating collaborative work toward accomplishing the goals and objectives of the team. The area of learning lastly improves the involvement of the learners in improving the performance of the teams by impacting individual performance.

Performance Management

This area of learning focuses on the overall approaches that can be implemented in handling the performance assessment and implementing approaches designed to improve the performance of individuals within the workplace. Learners are introduced to mechanisms such as 360-degree feedback and peer feedback to improve their performance within different areas of engagement. Learners are also guided to understand the process of mitigating employees to achieve the desired goals. This involves focusing on both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to improve the performance of individuals.

Dealing with Underperformance

This area of learning contributes to understanding the different methods that a leader can use to ensure that underperformance within their area of performance is addressed. This involves setting effective objectives that should be addressed and providing the underperforming team members with the opportunity to achieve the desired levels of performance. It also helps to improve the understanding of measures and steps for addressing underperformance within the teams.


The unit is assessed using two main approaches. The main approach is a written assessment that covers critical information that is provided within the unit. The supervised practice and simulated exercises provide practical approaches to evaluate the performance of the individual in practical settings and approaches based on the content.



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