Revision of work already delivered is not a peculiar idea. Every other human being is subject to errors. Our experts are also human and they may err. However, our goal is to produce perfect services. But in case they make a mistake, we have a policy governing the revision of the services. But what are the cases eligible for revision? What is the rationale of requesting for a revision? Read through the following instructions.

Cases Eligible for Revision warrants free revisions as long the requests for revision find us responsible for whatever error occurred. Some of the cases that may warrant a revision of your paper are some of the followings.

  1. In the case where our tutor misunderstood the question- in the event that you submitted the right question but our expert answered it wrongly, your revision request may be considered.
  2. In the case where the assignment was incomplete – if you receive the solution to your questions and realise it was not complete, file for a revision request and it will be considered.
  3. If you request for a revision within 14 days – an eligible case for revision must be filed within 14 days after you have received your solutions. Any request filed past 14 days will not be approved.
  4. A revision request before the deadline of submission- a client is allowed to file for revisions if they feel they need any, before our experts deliver the final solutions. This may be the case if the client discovers they did not make clear the instructions well enough. Revision requests made will be considered fully.
  5. Requests channeled through the right procedure – will only consider for revision, requests made through the specified procedures of filing a revision request. Any other request out of the normal procedure will be considered null and void.

Cases Not Eligible for Revision

For the following cases, will not offer free revision. Any client falling in the following circumstances will have to pay an extra cost for their revision to be done.

  1. Submission request after 14 days – if a client submits a request for submission after 14 days since they received the answers have elapsed, their request will be rejected.
  2. Changed instructions – if a client requests for revision while the instructions given initially are not the same as those in the revision request, the request will also be rejected. Revisions will only be done if the questions and instructions remain the same.
  3. Requests not channeled through the write procedure – for your request to be considered for revision, make sure you follow the right procedure. Failing to follow the right procedure given will lead to automatic disqualification.

Our clients should also note the following when filing for their revisions.

  1. Only two revisions of the same service will be considered. More than two revisions will be rejected.
  2. A client wishing to make a request for revision should take time to ensure they make all the comments that are required before submitting the request. This will prevent the situation where new comments will be made for another revision even after a revision.
  3. In case their revision requests do not meet our free revision policy thresholds, they can pay extra charges and a revision will be done for them.

The Process for Filing a Revision Request

For an eligible revision request, follow the following procedure:

  1. Get to the website.
  2. Select the “Revisions” tab.
  3. Input your personal details (your name, the service order number, reason for revision, deadline and evidence of payments).
  4. Click submit button to file your request.

You will be notified if your revision has been approved or not. In case it has been rejected, you will be told why. For more information about our revision policy, or any other policies, visit our website at

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