3CO02 Principles of Analytics

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3CO02 Principles of Analytics

Module Overview

3CO02 is a CIPD level three module. This module is important to both the learner and orginisation. The learner will start by learning the definition of analytics, various types of analytics. They will also learn the importance of analytics in human resource management. Learners will also be able to use analytics to make decisions that will help the orginisations.

Module Objectives

By the end of the module learners should be able to:

·       Explain the meaning of evidence based practice and its importance to orginisations.

·       Explain the importance of data in making orginisational decisions.

·       State different types of data measurements.

·       Explain how orginisational polices can be used to make critical decisions.

·       Explain the benefits of providing value to the customers.

·       Explain the use of social media to improve communication.

·       Explain how the use of peoples practice will benefit the other members of the orginisation.

3CO02 Principles of Analytics

Module Content

In this module learners will cover the following areas:

  Applications and Purpose

People analytics is used in influencing the decisions and performance of an orginisation. It is a powerful tool that adds value to an orginisation. It will provide legit and reliable decisions. In this topic you will learn about the five human analytics which are: predict employee behaviors to predict and retain talent, managing workforce, identifying talent, business and staffing requirements, and recruiting channels and targets to meet the orginisations goals and objectives.

  Data Pollection

Human resource analytics relies on statistics. There are three metrics involved which are effectiveness, impact and efficiency. The metrics of impact deal with the effects of HR functions on orginisations. Efficiency is focused on the performance while effectiveness is focused on how the HR function affects people talent. There are two main data collection methods which are qualitative and quantitative. The learner will also learn on the different types of data that can be used in HR analytics. They include: age, ethnic origin, and gender, type of job, educational level, and experience level.


Statistical methods are used to interpretate the data to show the relationship between the HR approaches and performance. There are various tools used to analyse data. Examples are ANOVA, factor analysis, root cause analysis, and correlation.

The Importance of Analytics in HR Practice

HR analytics are used to set standards. They help set performance standards that the employees and managers can use to measure how they are doing.

 Analytics help improve changes. Once you are aware of problems and challenges, you can easily make changes to reduce them and increase productivity.

The analytics will help you review the changes made and know if they are effective or not.

This module will help you improve your recruitment skills. The data metrics will update you on the current recruitment methods and metrics. This will allow you to see what’s working, where changes need to be and which areas need improvements during the process.

Analytics help build an effective workforce. This will help you stay ahead of others. Data will help you plan workforce ahead of other orginisations.

Analytics will help improve learning and development. It is through the data you have collected that you will be able to identify key areas that your employees need to up their skills. Thus you will be able to recommend the best training programs.

Analytics will help you prevent employee turnover. You will be able to prevent loses before they happen. By understanding the causes of turnover you will be able to prevent it before it happens.

Analytics will help you improve employee experience. You are able to know which areas they are best and weak in.

Through analytics, orginisations are able to identify areas and processes that are not helping them achieve their set goals and objectives.

Analytics will help an orginisation save money. For example it will show you which program help employees the most and which helps them the least. You will focus on the one that helps them the most and scrap off the rest. This will save on money that would be used on the other programs.

Analytics on employees’ skills will help you determine the most talented and the less talented. This will help them gain new skill to contribute to the orginisations long and short term goals.

Analytics will help identify misconducts like bias and harassment. This will help decisions to reduce this challenges.

Analytics also help reduce workplace injuries. This will reduce the cost of money used in injury related accidents in the work place. With the data you are likely to identify what causes the accidents and able to come up with solutions to reduce them.

Analytics helps organisations predict their future. This enables them stay ahead of other companies.

Module Applicability

This module is applicable to the following:

  Human Resource Student

This module is very important to students. It helps them make decisions that help them achieve set goals.


Every orginisations requires an HR analytics department. It helps them perform better than others and increase their productivity.


All senior managers will need this module to help them set achievable long and short term goals.

  Upgrade Skills

Those working in the Human resource field and wish to upgrade their skills, this is a must module for them. They will stay up to date on the new trends in the field. This will help their orginisations.

Sum up and Evaluation

Principle analytics is a vital module. By the end of the module the learners understanding is put to a test. There are two activities that they must complete. They will express their understanding by answering the activity questions. They will also be required to use examples from the orginisations that they work while studying. This module will equip learners with skills and knowledge that will make their orginisations perform well and achieve the set goals and objectives. This module will also help them be better in their careers.





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