7co04 Business Research in People Practice

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7co04 Business Research in People Practice

Module Overview

In the modern corporate sector, leaders within organisations must be able to conduct effective business research which provides them with the necessary information from which to make critical decisions. As such, learning and training on other areas of business research becomes an important part for professionals especially people professionals within organisations. Business Research in People Practice (7CO04) is a unit in CIPD Level 7 module that focuses on training the learners on effective business research procedures especially when it comes to analysing the people practices within a business context.

This unit provides components that help the learners to understand and undertake effective business research in people practice hence focuses on developing the ability to develop comprehensive and integrated report based on evidence collected from different sources and existing theoretical frameworks to make recommendations and a reflection on people practices for an organisation.

Objectives for this Unit

7CO04 focus on improving the research skulls of the learners. Some of the main objectives that this unit aims at achieving in improving the research ability of the learners include:

  • Define effective business research

  • Define business research principles and undertake a business research project in people practice

  • Identify and utilise different research methods in conducting a study of specific people practices within a business context

  • Show understanding of ethical issues in business research especially with a focus on people practices.

  • Master critical data analysis and interpretation methods for analysis, organising and interpreting data collected within the research

  • Be able to make critical reflection and present recommendations after the analysis of the data within the research project on a specific issue.

7co04 Business Research in People Practice

Suitability of Unit

Business research is applicable for different lines of professionals within the organisation. However, this unit is most suitable for people professionals. Human resource managers, human resource business partners and line managers are a group of people who will be served with this unit t the maximum. This is because this professionals have the responsibility of conducting study of the existing conditions within the organisation and in the general business environment with the aim of making critical interventions in the organisational orientation.

7CO04 is a unit that helps to provide the professional with the knowledge of the relevant skills and information to conduct such research.Through polishing the information and skills on areas such as data collection, ethical issues and interpretation of data, the unit helps to build the professional and prepare them for their duties in ensuring that they address existing issues in their workforces through appropriate research. The unit is also suitable for managers and other interested people who want to ensure that they sharpen their business research practice although it focuses on research within the field of people practices.

Key Learning Areas

Business research in people practices is a vital area within the organisation. 7CO04 covers the critical areas of study that ensure the learners are provided with the relevant skills and knowledge to achieve this goals and objectives of conducting effective research. Some of the learning areas covered within the research include:

Structure of Business Research

The learners need to ensure they have knowledge on the structure of a proper research project. This involves being able to understand the research questions, formulate objectives and target this objective within their study. CIPD 7CO04 unit will provide the learners with the opportunity to effectively acquire the information, both theoretical and practical on the necessary parts and components of a business research and the appropriate means of documenting the findings of a business research.

Research Methods

Research methods are critical elements that determine the instruments used in data collection, means of interpretation of data and the overall presentation of findings. Learners in this unit will be able to identify different research methods and categorise them as either qualitative or quantitative research methods.

This area also ensures that the learners are bale to define the methods and identify the practical areas of application of each method hence ensuring that they have a wide array of information that they can utilise when they are faced with situations where they need to apply business research in improving their people practices.

Data Collection and Interpretation

Research requires the learners to master techniques of data collection and interpretation. In research, the learners must identify both primary and secondary data and ensure that they generate meaningful conclusions form the data that is applicable in the subject being studied. This area of study provides the learners with the understanding of both the data collection methods and analysis which are applicable within the study.

Additionally, 7CO04 provides the learners with the understanding of ethical issues surrounding business research in people practices. These are specific standards that the researcher must maintain to ensure that their study is ethical. Lastly, after collecting the data, the learners need to document it in a way that can be easily interpreted by the audience. This involves presenting the findings, conclusion and recommendations that are generated from the data collected within the research.

Research Project

7CO04 does not only provide the learners with theoretical information on business research in people practices. The learners are also given the opportunity to conduct a research project which is part of the unit. They will identify an area of people practice and conduct a study which helps to sharpen the practical skills that are required to complete future projects in their fields of practice. This area of 7CO04 is important in ensuring holistic development of the learners as they progress their capabilities in business research.

Assessment and Evaluation

The assessment of this unit involves two main parts. The first part is a written assessment where the learners will be required to provide responses to various questions that are covered in the study. The learners will be required to provide contextual information, which utilises examples from their organisations.

The second assessment area will be a research project which learners could be required to complete on a specific topic of study. They are required to collect the information and document their findings which will be assessed to determine the mastery of principles of effective business research in people practice.


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