8000-264 Briefing the Work Team

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8000-264 Briefing the Work Team

8000-264 Briefing the Work Team is a unit within the ILM Level 2 module that helps the team leaders to understand the process of briefing their team members on different aspects surrounding the team activities and duties. This unit helps the team leaders to build an understanding of strategies that are required in setting up an effective team briefing and effectively communicating with the members on the objectives of the team and the expected standards of performance.

While learners are going through this unit, they are provided with the theoretical principles that they should use in the briefing process as well as the practical situations. Which are relayed through simulation of organisational settings to ensure that they are adequately prepared for engagement within the organisation as leaders of a project team. The content of the unit is relayed in different methods that range from physical classes to virtual classes, which utilise modern technologies of digital learning to achieve the desired levels of interaction between the tutor and learners.

The main aim and purpose of the unit are to develop an understanding of the importance and process of briefing the team to create a team culture based on effective communication and focus on specific objectives, which is the role of practising or potential team leaders. The unit contributes to 1 credit value within the ILM Level 2 course module and is taught in 6 guided learning hours, making it critical in successfully completing the module.

Who can Pursue this Course?

The course is mainly designed to meet the needs of the team leaders and supervisors within the organisation. It ensures that they are able to successfully fulfil their mandate within the team, which revolves around effective communication with team members and the provision of guidance on specific areas of learning.

The team leaders form the most basic unit of operation within the organisation; hence it is important to ensure that the goals and objectives of the organisation,  are effectively communicated to the team members. The unit is, therefore, suitable for building the ability of the team leaders to brief their members on such critical areas of practice.

However, the unit is not limited to team leaders but can be applied to other stakeholders, including the line managers and general employees. It helps these stakeholders develop better communication skills that can be utilised in their respective areas of responsibility within the organisation. The unit also helps prepare the stakeholders for leadership engagements within teams in future.

8000-264 Briefing the Work Team

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Understand the main aims and objectives of team briefing

  • Anticipate the expectations and needs of the team members before the briefing to ensure that they are able to develop effective responses to these needs.

  • Show knowledge of the objectives of the specific team briefing that they are pursuing, including its structure and content

  • Set up an effective location for the team briefing that is conducive for all team members using relevant resources and equipment required

  • Effectively communicate the location and other information pertaining to the process of team briefing to the members

  • Conduct an effective team briefing that involves responding to questions and enquiries made by the team members for clarity purposes

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the team briefing on the understanding of the team, especially on critical elements involving the activities of the team

  • Show understanding of different approaches to report outcomes of the team briefing to the management

Key Learning Areas

Some of the key learning areas within 8000-264 Briefing the Work Team include:

Planning for Team Briefing 

This area of learning involves understanding the principles surrounding the preliminary stages of involving the team members in a team brief. It provides the learners with the necessary information and skills that they should apply when setting up the team brief.

It involves setting up goals that they want to achieve within the brief as well as designing strategies that aim at addressing the needs and expectations of the team members on the brief. This area of learning is important in providing the learners with the basic theoretical frameworks that are applicable in examining the needs of the team and ensuring that the objectives of the team brief are built around these needs and expectations.

Delivering a Team Briefing

This area of learning helps the learners to understand the principles around implementing an effective team brief. The learners are being prepared for leadership positions within teams. This involves being able to create an environment that supports the ability to communicate and achieve the specific goals and objectives of the team.

This area of learning provides the learners with an understanding of different strategies to use in setting the environment for the brief and accomplishing an effective brief that is gauged in the last stage of evaluation. Skills such as summarising, overcoming nerves, and handling questions are handled within this area of learning. It also helps the learners to develop an understanding of using visual aids to improve the process of the brief.


The leaders should have the ability to report back to the top management. After the brief, the understanding of the team members is assessed to develop an effective report on the efficiency of the team briefing. This area of the unit helps the learners to master the skills that can be used to evaluate understanding of the learners hence providing content for the report.

It also helps in strategies of developing a comprehensive report to the management, including the main guiding them to understanding the main components of the report hence building the ability to fulfil their mandate as leaders of the team.

Wrap Up

The unit is completed in 6 guided learning hours, after which the learners are put through assessment to evaluate the achievement of the goals and objectives of the unit. A written assessment and supervised practice are used to examine both the theory and practice that has been learned throughout the unit hence ensuring learners can use information learned in improving their performance within teams.



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