5ENG Employee Engagement

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5ENG Employee Engagement

Unit Overview

Employee engagement, 5ENG, is a very important unit that is offered at Level 5 CIPD Course. The CIPD course provides professional with the necessary strategic insights, critical thinking and ability to analyse situations that helps them to perform in their duties and responsibilities. 5ENG, a as unit of CIPD course aims at improving the understanding of the learners on the issues of having an engaged and committed workforce. It helps them to understand it as a human resource concept that can improve their experience in handling workers by creating a highly satisfied workforce.

This course is critical for human resource professionals as it provides the necessary information, both practical and theoretical, that is required to create an engaging environment that is able to generate a positive and intentional intellectual contribution towards organisational activities. The course is designed to equip the professionals with the skills to provide an environment that facilitates highly engaged employees.

Unit Objectives

5ENG focuses on boosting the understanding of the people professionals towards engaging activities within the workforce. Some of the objectives that the unit aims at addressing include:

·       Be able to define employee engagement

·       Be able to master principles of employee engagement

·       Be able to identify the contribution of employee engagement in the accomplishment of organisational goals and objectives

·       Be able to understand the connection between employee engagement and organisational performance.

·       Express understanding of relevance of employee engagement in creating motivated workforce

·       Apply the knowledge in devising strategies and techniques that facilitate employee engagement within the organisation.

5ENG Employee Engagement

Unit Applicability

The unit is highly important for individuals involved in the management of human resource. There are different groups of people that are directly involved in providing the necessary engagement opportunities to employees within the organisation some of the most vital groups of professionals who require the unit include:

i.               Human Resource Professionals: This includes HR managers and Human Resource Business Partners who provide the necessary environment within which the employees operate. These groups of individuals benefit by acquiring information on setting up engaging people practices which boost the ability of the employees to contribute to organisational activities.

ii.             Line and department managers: Line and department managers have a duty of providing the necessary support to eh employees to ensure that there is appropriate distribution of information within the workplace. By going through this course, line and department managers are provided with skills such as communication skills that are essential in facilitating employee engagement within the different departments of the organisation.

iii.            Executive management: Executive management makes critical strategic and operational decisions that are implemented within the organisation. 5ENG provides the management with information and knowledge that helps them to align their decision-making process with the engagement needs of the workforce.

Unit Content

There are diverse topics covered including:

Introduction to Employee Engagement

This is the topic that provides the learners with the definition of employee engagement as well as sets the foundation for in-depth study of the subject. Here the learners are introduced to the dimensions of employee engagement and the need for the organisation to show some commitment in ensuring that there is a sense to which the employees are engaged with organisational activities. It includes understanding how HR policies and practices influence the ability of the workers to feel committed and engaged in their roles and responsibilities.

Employee Participation and Involvement

5ENG further provides a clear distinction between employee participation and involvement in organisational activities. Through this area of study, the professional is guided into understanding how both concepts relate to employee engagement and how they can be sued to generate an environment that encourages workers to take active parts in organisational activities.

This subject further elaborates on the benefits of employee engagement from the context of employee participation and employee involvement and indicates the most effective choice when pursuing HR policies and people practices.

Employee Voice

Employee voice is one of the paramount tools that can be used within the organisation to set an engaging environment. 5ENG digs in depth on the use of employee voice within the organisation to achieve the desired outcomes in terms of employee engagement and investment of the workforce to organisational goals and objectives. This areas of study further touches on the psychological contract between the employee and employer and how providing the employee voice contributes to sustaining the contract.

Relationship between Employee Engagement and Employee Performance

The HR professionals must be able to relate the selected policies of employee engagement to the performance of the employees and the organisation in general. This areas is critical as it guides the learners into developing the necessary information and skills that is required in facilitating the desired organisational performance through improving the engagement of the workers within the organisation.

This area examines the role that employee motivation has in boosting their investment in organisational activities hence improving ability to implement engaging activities that are worth the investment within the organisation.

Wrap Up

5ENG is a course that is aimed at improving the ability of professionals to set an environment that facilitates employee engagement within the workforce. It covers critical areas of study that help to improve the ability of the employees to make contributions to the organisation hence forming a critical part of the human resource management.

The assessment of the course is conducted through a written assessment where the learners are required to exhibit their ability to relate the learned content to their real-life organisations or institutions they have chosen to analyse. This assessment is used to maximise the skills of the human resource increasing the environment to support the employees to take part in the organisation.

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