3SCO Supporting Change Within Orginisations

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3SCO Supporting Change Within Orginisations

Module Overview

3SCO is a CIPD level 3 unit. Every beginner student at CIPD must undertake this module. It is important to both the student and the orginisation overall. This module will cover factors that need to be considered during a change process and equip learners with an understanding on why orginisations need change. Concepts on change and ways to manage it will also be introduced. They will also learn on different ways people and orginisations respond to change. Learns will also study on the process of change and its implications on human resource management.  

Module Objectives

By the end of this module learners should be able to:

·       Be able to define the term change in orginisations.

·       Be able to explain the process of change.

·       Be able to explain the impacts of change in a business.

·       Be able to state the factors involved in the change process.

·       Be able to differentiate and compare the different aspects of change management.

·       Be able to demonstrate different behavioral changes observed during the process.

3SCO Supporting Change Within Orginisations

Module Content

In this module learners will cover different areas which include:

Change Management Process

This is a five step process. Its purpose is to ensure that the process is smooth and well implemented. The process will prepare the employees for the changes to happen. This process will also identify who is fit for each task. The team will make sure that all employees are on board. The change management team will ensure that everything is going according to plans and if they need to be any adjustments they will be made.

How to Prepare the Employees for the Process

It is important that all employees are on board and well prepared for the changes. This makes the process smooth. They need to be given information on why the changes are being made, otherwise they can resist. This can be done in the following ways communicating early, offering training programs, and allowing them to participate by asking questions concerning the process. The process can be difficult and mind tiring. Having a plan in place can ease frustrations. It is important for orginisations to have their employees participate in the process because it will ensure a smooth transition.

Types of Changes in Orginisations

Change may be in different forms. It may be introduction of new technology, new service/product, rebranding the service/product, new systems, and new procedures. The other forms of change are new managers in the orginisation or other staff in the orginisation.

  Common Challenges Encountered During a Change Process

During the process of change, there are a few challenges the orginisation may encounter. They may include employee resistant, communication breakdown etc. employees may fail to adapt to the changes and this will reduce the productivity. To avoid this, those in charge of the process should communicate to the employees early in advance and if there need for training it should be done.

Ways to Ensure a Successful Change Management

For the process to be successful you should have a team that make sure everything goes according to plan, employee feedback is also important to a smooth process. Having a plan in place is also another important way to ensure that process is successful. The plan ensures that everything is in place and every step is followed. The other way is having a training program for the employees to make sure that they adapt well to the changes. Having the right tools and a strategy will successfully ensure that the change process is smooth and everyone in the orginisation adapts to it well and quickly.

Module Applicability

This module is important to the following:

      Human Resource Students

They will be able to understand the whole concept of change management and its importance to an orginisation. They will have the perfect skills to be good managers.


It should learn on how to effectively manage changes. Should also beware on the importance and effects.


The top managers are those that implement changes. They should have the skills on how to come up with a good plan and how they should conduct the process. This module will help them achieve all these goals.

       Those Wishing to Advance their Skills in Human Resource Field

Individuals working in the HR field and want to gain more skills must pursue this module. They will learn how to be effective managers by ensuring they make the right changes and follow the right procedures.

The Importance of this Module in HR Practice

The learners will understand the need for employee training program before a change process. They will gain more skills in their areas of specialty. They will need new knowledge on behavioral changes that they need to adapt to the new systems.

Effective communication will ensure that the process is smooth. This module acts like a catalyst because it will teach the top management team to communicate the change process to the employees early to avoid resistance. Employees will also have a chance to give a view and feedbacks on the process.

This module will equip the managers with skills to monitor the progress and implement changes where need be.

Those work in the field the HR field are aware that they are prone to changes. This module will ensure they understand that changes promotes a positive work environment and job enrichment.

Wrap up and Evaluation

3SCO is an important module that all HR student should pursue. At the end of the module the learners understanding is put to a test. They are required to complete three activities by answering the provided questions correctly.

They are also required to use illustrations from the orginisations that they work in while pursuing the module. To be able to pass this module the learner has to well understand the meaning of change, process of change, factors leading to change, factors affecting change, different types of change and how to successfully implement changes.



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