3LDN Identifying Learning and Development Needs

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3LDN Identifying Learning and Development Needs

Module Overview

3LDN is a CIPD level 3 module. This module is important to both the orginisation and the learning and development students. The purpose of this module is to teach individuals and orginisations on how to respond to emerging changes and exploit new opportunities to gain more skills and knowledge.  This module will begin by explaining why learning needs arise and their importance to both the orginisation and individuals. Learners will also explore the type of information needed to identify learning and development needs.

Module Objectives

By the end of the module learners should:

·       Be able to state the key reasons why learning needs may arise among individuals and orginisations.

·       Be able to explain the benefits of learning needs among individuals and orginisations.

·       Be able to identify the methods used to collect information regarding learning needs.

·       Be able to prioritise learning needs that are relevant.

·       Be able to identify learning needs and other factors that might affect the choice of learning solution.

3LDN Identifying Learning and Development Needs

Module Content

  How to Identify Learning Needs

To properly identify the needs one has to be aware of the current and future goals of the orginisation. Through this you will be able to identify the types of methods to use to collect information. This information will allow you to make decision on the level of learning need orginisational, individual or team.

  Learning Need Analysis (LNA)

LNA helps you review the current performance then identify what learning need best fits to increase productivity in the company. Learners will be able to abroad understanding of the topic. By the end of the topic learners will be able to understand the importance of LNA, and how to get LNA right.

  Collecting Data on Learning Needs

After gathering information the next step is to collect data. There are various methods of data collection that can be used. They may include observation, questionnaires interviews etc. A combination of this methods gives the best results. Learning and development professionals need to work closely with their senior managers to give the best results.

  Learning Needs Analysis for Smaller Orginisations

Just like the big orginisations, the small ones to need the LNA. It might be challenging because employees there perform many roles at the same time. There should be solutions that allow flexible learning.

Module Applicability

This module is important to the following:

      Learning and Development Students

They will be able to understand the importance of LNA in their field of work. They will gain skills and knowledge that will enable them to identifying learning needs and ways of collecting data that will help make the best decisions.


This module is important to the orginisation. The orginisation should be able to identify the areas of weakness and best methods to implement to increase productivity. It is through this module that they will be able to do that because they will have the need knowledge and skills.


The top senior managers are responsible for making decisions in an orginisation. To be able to make the right decisions they have to have the required knowledge and skills. This module will help them increase productivity in their companies.

      Learning and Development Managers

Managers that work in this field need to constantly advance their skills because the field is prone to changes. The changes are due to new technologies and procedures. They need gain the new skills.

       Those that Need to Advance their Skills

Those working in learning and development field and wish to acquire more skills. When they sign up for the course, they will study this module. They will acquire the right skills and knowledge that will better their work traits.

The Importance of this Module in Learning and Development Field

For companies to be able to compete they need to allow the employees to grow. Employees will be able to learn and acquire more skills. This will increase the company’s productivity which will lead to a high competition in the market.

Hiring new employees is more expensive compared to training existing employees. It is also very painful to lose the most productive employees. It is better for orginisations to offer learning programs to the existing employees that will help increase productivity.

Employees are the orginisations biggest assets. With learning new ideas they up their knowledge and skills. Training them is a great method of empowering them and giving them motivation to work harder.

With new ideas, the orginisation improves its customer service. Customer satisfaction is every company’s goal. This module is vital because learners will be able to come up with new skills on how to handle customers. Encouraging and empowering employees to handle customer service will increase productivity.

Due to emerging technology and new trends, it is important for orginisations to train their employees on this trends. This will help them stay competitive and be more productive. The human resource field has constant changes. This means that orginisations have to train to these changes.

Learning new processes and methods is important. This will improve the product or service that you offer. Employees and customers should not be stagnant to one thing for a long time. This is because other companies and business are emerging each day and they bring a new product/ service. This might attract your customers. To retain your customers you have to keep making it better everyday.

Sum up and Evaluation

3LDN is a vital unit for all level three learning and development students. After completing the module, learners are tested if they have an understanding on it. They will express it in a word document by answering module activity questions. They use illustrations and examples from the orginisations that they work in while studying.




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