5DVP Developing Professional Practice

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5DVP Developing Professional Practice

Unit Overview

People professionals need to ensure that they can develop practices that facilitate continuous professional development. Developing professional practice, 5DVP, is a unit of CIPD level 5 module that deals with eh issues of providing the necessary techniques that are required to ensure that people professionals are able to develop effective interventions that facilitate the development of standard practices that boost the professionalism of the professionals within an organisation.

The unit is important for individual tasked with the duty of managing a specific set of employees or developing the necessary people practices that are embraced within the organisation since it ensures that these individuals are provided with the skills and information that they require to develop a professional environment form which other employees can operate. The skills provided in this unit are important in resource development planning, performance appraisal and other people practices within an organisation that boost the performance of the employees and the organisation in general.

Unit Objectives

The main objective of this unit is to provide both practical and theoretical skills required to improve the ability to influence the professional working environment within the organisation. However, there are specific objectives that the unit aims at achieving as a means of achieving the overall goal of the unit in improving the ability of the HR professionals. By the end of this unit, the learners should:

  • Be able to define the roles of human resource professionals in setting a professional environment

  • Understand elements of group dynamics that can be used within the HR context

  • Apply the principles of group dynamics to address conflicts that may arise within teams and groups in the HR context

  • Understand the principles of an effective professional development plan

  • Conduct professional development for the employees

  • Exhibit understanding of the professional map and use this knowledge to improve the work environment within their organisations.

5DVP Developing Professional Practice

Unit Applicability 

5DVP is important for leaders within the organisational setting. Those in top management positions within the company are tasked with the duty of making strategic and tactical decisions which influence the development of professionals practice. This groups of leaders within the organisation are tasked with the duty of overseeing critical people practice implementation, although not directly, and have the final decisions on issues such as conflict resolution and practices that can be applied in facilitating professional development within the company.

While the people professionals are tasked with the duty of developing the professional development plans, it is only through the top management of the organisation that these plans can be implemented effectively in the organisational context. As such, the executive management within organisations need to go through the course to acquire the necessary information that improves their skills in facilitating professional practice development.

More critically, the unit is important for people professionals within the organisations. People professionals are responsible for directly dealing with the employees within the organisation through implementing and ensuring that people practices are effectively contributing to the goals and objectives of the organisation. As such, the unit is important in guiding this processes and activities of the people professionals through providing both theoretical and practical information that boosts the decision making on this level of human resource management.

Unit Content

Developing Professional practice, 5DVP, is coves critical topics within the people professionals learning needs which facilitate effective and effective performance of various tasks and responsibilities. Some of the critical areas covered by the course include:

Group Dynamics

The people professionals are responsible for developing the strategies of integrating team work and group dynamics through the organisation. 5DVP guides into the understanding of the critical principles of group dynamics that the people professionals must master before engaging in responsibilities that could influence the role of teams in the organisation.

Conflict Resolution

5DVP guides the professionals into understanding the critical conflict resolution approaches and strategies that can be used within the organisation especially when the conflict involves the groups that are developed within the institution.

No organiziaon is perfect and due to differences conflict may arise and people professionals will be required to be professional in handling this conflicts. This unit provides the necessary information and knowledge that builds the skills that professionals could require in handling such situations and ensuring that they promote collaboration and coordination within the workforce.

Performance Management

While 5DVP majors on the development of professional practice, performance management is important in understanding the learning needs of the workforce. The unit provides the learners with the understanding of critical tools that can be used to identify needs or gaps within the organisation that need to be addressed through effective development or staffing.

Professional practice can only be achieved if the people professionals and other relevant managers within the organisation are able to identify the needs of the workforce and this unit provides this information to the leaners who work in critical decision making areas such as people professionals.

Professional Development

People professionals and organisational managers need to be able to develop an effective professional development plan that is applicable to the workforce. This plan is developed based on the identified learning needs of the workforce which needs to be bridged through effective learning and training.

5DVP as a unit of learning facilitates the building of knowledge, skills and expertise in creating the professional development plan based on the CIPD professional map and implementing this plan to achieve the desired outcomes within the organisational context hence ensuring that the workforce is prepared to ply their different responsibilities.

Assessment and Evaluation

5DVP is a course that is taught within the CIPD Level 5 Module. It assessment tis conducted through a written assessment that tests the mastery of concepts that have been learned within the course as well as application of the concepts in practical contexts.

This involves being able to demonstrate the concepts within the organisational context using well illustrated demonstrations and examples. The written assessment will include critical aspects such as case study analysis were learners study a specific case and use it to answer provided questions.


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