309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace

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309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace

Unit Overview

309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace is a critical unit within the CMI Level module. This is a unit that aims at improving the ability of leaders to solve problems within the workplace. Due to the composition of the organisation and teams established within the workplace, there are likely to be conflicts that arise based on individual, social, or cultural factors. These differences could compromise the ability of the teams in the workplace to effectively achieve their goals and objectives or compromise the satisfaction and motivation of the team members in terms of contributing towards the organisational goals and objectives.

It is critical for leaders in contemporary diverse organisations to ensure that they master the skills and knowledge that they need to address these conflicts that they may encounter in leading teams and individuals in the workplace. This involves developing the capacity to solve problems and creating tolerance within the workplace. The leaders must be trained using effective programs to understand the models and approaches that are applicable in solving situations and challenges that they could experience in their process of leadership.

309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace is a unit that aims at addressing the shortcomings of leaders in terms of skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to conflicts. The unit is designed to provide the leader with training that boosts their understanding of the theoretical models of problem-solving as well as ethical principles that should be included in s shaping their solution to conflicts. In this unit, the new or aspiring leaders are guided to understand policies and procedures that are consistent with ethical principles and the law that can be used to solve workplace conflicts. The unit is taught in 13 hours of guided learning and contributes 3 credit values towards the completion of the CMI module.

Suitability of the Unit

All stakeholders within the workplace must be able to handle conflicts within their specific levels. This involves being able to create tolerant attitudes and behaviours towards individual, cultural, or work-related differences. The process of solving conflicts may include being able to communicate effectively and building working relationships. Learners have more obligations in creating an environment that eliminates irrelevant conflicts. As such, the leaders are more suited to 309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace as s unit, as they have to respond effectively and promptly to issues within their areas of responsibility to ensure they do not compromise the performance of individuals or teams within their specific areas. 

309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace is designed to serve the learning needs of first-line managers, supervisors, and team leaders within the organism.t the unit provides the leaders with training on modules that they can apply in providing solutions to various challenges within the workplace and in their areas of responsibilities. However, the content of this unit is applicable to all stakeholders who are involved in collaborative work to achieve set organisational goals and objectives. It helps to develop desired behaviours and attitudes of tolerance towards differences which is critical in eliminating or responding to conflicts within the teams and in the workplace in general.

309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the main causes of conflicts within the workplace

  • Designee the scope of conflicts that may be experienced within t eh workplace

  • Explain the impacts of conflict within the workplace and how this could affect performance in line with the teams and organisations.

  • Identify mechanisms that can be used to investigate and diagnose the conflicts within the workplace

  • Set up formal and informal approaches to responding to conflicts within the workplace

  • Identify the skills that are required for effective leaders within the organisation in responding to conflicts and issues within the workplace

  • Understand the approaches that can be implemented to repair damaged relationships as a result of conflicts within the workplace

Key Learning Areas

309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace is a unit designed to understand the impacts of conflicts within the workplace. This is a critical measure that aims at improving the performance of leaders by addressing critical leadership concerns. The main areas of learning within the unit include:

Understanding the Causes and Impacts of Conflict

This is a wide area of learning that helps to improve the performance of the team by ensuring that they understand the concepts of conflict. The learners are required to understand the implication of conflicts and behaviours or attitudes that are associated with the issues resulting from the conflicts. The learners are also guided to understand the reasons and main causes of conflict.

This involves understanding the individual and cultural factors that could create conflicts affecting the interactions and relationships between the individual in the team and the scope of conflict within the workplace. Additionally, learners are guided to understand the mechanisms that they can use to diagnose conflicts. This involves being able to conduct effective investigations that are required to promote the performance of the individuals within the teams.

Set up Measures to Respond to Conflicts

This area of learning helps the leaders to understand the approaches that can be implemented by the leaders to address conflicts. This involves building effective problem-solving skills that are required in the process. The leaders are required to set up measures that are required to address the conflicts and restore the strained relationships within the teams due to the issues identified to be causing the differences. The area of learning also helps to identify eh formal and informal methods of conflict resolution that he pot avoid legal tussles that could affect the reputation of the teams and organisation as well as compromise the financial performance of the organisation. 

Wrap Up

309 Responding to Conflict in the Workplace is a unit that is taught using both interactive and practical learning approaches. In the practical setting, simulated exercises and supervised practice are used to ensure the learners are able to implement the concepts that are learned within the unit in practical settings. A written assessment is used to evaluate the theoretical information and practical knowledge of the learners using a provided template.


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