3HRC Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR

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3HRC Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR

Module Overview

Human Resource plays a vital role in ensuring that an organization succeeds in terms of attaining set goals and objectives. Therefore, there is the need for every organisation to ensure it has the best HR in place to execute its functions.  Learning 3HRC Module in CIPD Level 3 is essential to both individuals joining the HRM field and the organisation at large. In this unit, students can learn the importance of studying human resource through CIPD Level 3, functions of human resource in organisations, and how to become a competitive human resource manager in the job market.

Module Objectives

Upon the successful completion of 3HRC Unit, every scholar should be able to understand the following;

·       Definition of the term human resource

·       Organisational culture

·       Functions of human resource in an organisation

·       Factors that affect human resource

·       The need to understand organisation Structure

·       Emerging Trends in Human Resource

3HRC Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR

Module Content

The aim of 3HRC Unit is to help learners to understand that people are the most important resource for every organisation.  They facilitate the success of a company through setting different strategies and policies that align with the company's needs. Therefore, this module helps to outline different functions of human resource. They include;

Recruitment and Selection

The section involves creating of job descriptions, advertising the vacant position, scrutinising of the applicants, and selection of the best person for the job. Therefore, learning this module through CIPD Level 3 can help an individual to acquire the best skills to use in recruitment and selection to ensure a right candidate for the job is hired.

Training and Development

Here, the organisation can choose to train its employees through outsourcing or using the internal trainers. It can either be on the job training, or of the job training. The process takes place after identification of the hap between the available skills and the required skills. Also, Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR can help the trainer to select the best tools he/she can use during the training session. This is achieved through training need analysis.

Performance Management

Also, 3HRC Module helps to outline the importance of performance management for every organisation that aims to achieve high goals. Students can use knowledge from this unit to set goals in their respective organisations, evaluate the performance of their employees through use of feedbacks.

Employee Motivation

Taking 3HRC Module helps learners to understand the need to motivate employees in an organisation to aid in attainment of set goals and objectives. The unit helps learners to understand different methods of employee compensation; both extrinsic and intrinsic such as job promotion, increase in salaries, and recognition.

 Module Applicability

Question Relates to Purpose and Goals of an organization

To respond such question, learners are required to identify an organisation of their choice.

The second step is to do the analysis of the chosen company to identify its purpose and goals. Thereafter, they should do the comparison of the selected organisation against the set goals and objectives to evaluate its level of competitiveness in the market.

Question Related to Products and services offered by the organisation

Here, Learners should fist establish the products or services offered by the selected organisation. Theater, they can proceed to do the analysis in terms of the market pricing and compare is to the profits generated to establish the cost benefit analysis of the product of service.

Analysis of the external factors affecting the organisation

After covering this module, students should have the ability to do the analysis of the external factors that affect their selected organisation. They can recommend different aspects of PESTEL analysis that the company could benefit from if adopted. The module can help them to understand different aspects of PESTEL Analysis such as Political Economics, Social, Technological, and legal factors, and how they affect the success of an organisation.

Understanding the Organisations’ Structure

Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR helps learners to understand the best Organisation structures they should use in their chosen organisation to ensure they achieve set goals and objectives to remain competitive. For example, there is matrix structure, functional structure, Hierarchical Structure, Flat structure, and divisional structure.

Relationship Between Four Functions of The Identified Organisational Structure.

To accomplish such questions, the first step learner needs to do, is to identify the main functions of the organisation structure. Thereafter, he/ she should do the analysis to evaluate their roles in his selected organisation to establish if they work in relation to the attainment of set goals and targets.

Question Related to what is organisation Culture

The management of organisation Culture vital for every company. Therefore, to answer any question related to Organisation Culture, learners should be conversant with every aspect such as definition of organisation Culture, how to establish and maintain organisation culture, advantages and disadvantages of organisation culture, theories and principles of organisation culture. Thefore, with better understanding of organisation Culture, they can remain in position to recommend the best approaches to maintain the growth and development of the selected organisation.

Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management

Learners who take 3HRC Module are in position to understand and cope with the emerging trends in human resource management. Thefore, they can recommend the best approaches to their organisation to enhance its growth and development. For example, they can encourage their organisation to use remote working technique to minimize crowdness in offices and save on costs. Also, they can suggest the use of cloud computing technique as backup storage of the organisation data to minimise on cases of data loss among others.

 Sum-Up and Evaluation

Understanding Organisations and the Role of HR (3HRC) is a vital module that every CIPD Level 3 learner should strive to pass. In this unit, the assessment of the learners’ skills is completed through writing a 1000-1500 words essay testing his/ her understanding of the main functions of human resource, theories and principles used in human resource, and how they are applicable to the organisation of choice.





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