7LTD Learning and Talent Development

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7LTD Learning and Talent Development

Module Overview

7LTD Learning and Talent Development is a unit within the CIPD advanced level 7c course that aims at providing HR professionals with effective training on how to handle the training and professional development of employees. This module is important in understanding the various strategies and the potential that effective continuous professional development and learning strategies can achieve in improving the ability of the organisation to meet its goals and objectives.

The module provides the learners with intriguing information that helps them to reflect on the theory and practice that is required in achieving their duties and responsibilities of developing the desired learning environment for the employee. It further explores the implication that professional and ethical practice could have on the opportunities that are provided within the organisation in relation to facilitating learning and continuous professional development. This module is important in guiding the HR professionals pursuing it in developing an overview of both the local and international markets hence developing strategies that are highly applicable in such contexts.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, the learner is exposed to different learning experiences. The course is delivered through both on-to-one guidance that is provided to meet the learning needs of the professionals as well as the utilisation of the virtual learning environments. Upon the completion of the course, the learner should be able to meet specific outcomes. The learner should be able to:

  • Identify and evaluate the theoretical practices that revolve around continuous professional development and learning strategies.

  • Evaluate the formulation and implementation of different processes that can be used in learning and talent development within the local and international labour markets.

  • Effectively evaluate the efficiency of specific learning strategies and methods within their specific organisational contexts.

  • Focus on setting up strategies and plans for learning and talent development within their organisations by showing understanding and mastery of the strategies and interventions that are required.

  • Work collaboratively with other stakeholders to ensure that talent development and learning processes are implemented effectively within the organisation.

  • Exhibit skills for effectively evaluate learning strategies that have been implemented within the organisational setting hence ensuring that they are effective in serving the learning needs of the workforce.

7LTD Learning and Talent Development

Suitability of the Course

The course is highly applicable to different stakeholders within the organisation. The employer should ensure that the environment that they create within the organisation supports the development of the learners. Institutions such as the government and trade unions have a responsibility to oversee the process and standards that are used to provide continuous professional development interventions, but it is the ethical and legal obligation of the employer to ensure that such strategies are put in place.

This course therefore helps HR professionals who are tasked with making decisions on people practices that include the process of providing the relevant learning experiences and opportunities for employees within the organisation. The professionals are provided with the theory and practice that they require to facilitate the accomplishment of their responsibilities of developing effective and sustainable learning opportunities for the employees within the organisation.

The line and executive managers are also benefited from the unit as they get insights into the strategies that they are required to implement in their different areas of work hence ensuring that there is efficiency and collaborative implementation of the selected strategies. Lastly, the external consultants need to have an understanding of the information to ensure that they provide information-based support to the process of decision-making within the organisation.

Key Learning Areas

7LTD Learning and Talent Development as a module should ensure that it develops the learners in an al rounded perspective to ensure that they appreciate the process of developing learning strategies for the employees. Some of the key areas covered within the course include:

Theoretical Perspectives

This learning area focuses on providing the learners with the theoretical perspectives that are involved in the process of learning and talent development. These theoretical perspectives help to understand the behaviours of the employees as well as the organisational needs and identify the critical steps that should be followed in implementing the desired strategies.

Additionally, the theoretical perspective offered under the 7LTD module is important in providing evidence-based choices on the best alternative to pursue for the specific organisation. As such, the unit is important in helping to boost the understanding of the professional pursuing the course on the best alternatives to select for the organisation.

Learning Need/ Gap Analysis

Analysing the organisation to identify learning needs is an important step within the organisation. This CIPD module provides the standards that the employees must achieve as well as the tools to conduct an assessment of the professional and ethical behaviour within the organisation.

Such tools, if effectively administered to each employee, provide an understanding of the areas that the professional should focus on wheel developing the learning and talent development strategies. This module helps the learners to understand the techniques of analysing the performance and professional behaviours of the employees to identify the learning needs that should be targeted through the strategies.

Learning and Talent Development Strategies

After identifying the learning needs, the professionals need to be effective in identifying the best strategies to use to achieve the best outcome for specific organisations. 7LTD provides the learners with the skills to identify the most effective learning strategies and methods to achieve the desired outcomes.

In this stage, they are guided to develop the different steps that should be followed in the implementation of an effective and efficient professional development intervention. The learners are also trained on how to evaluate the efficiency of the implemented strategies to ensure that they are able to achieve the desired goals within the specified time and ensuring that the process is cost-effective.

Wrap Up

7LTD is a unit that offers critical information within the CIPD level 7 module that is important for the HR professionals. At the end of the unit, the learners should express their understanding of the learned concepts through a written assessment and a work-based template that shows they are able to apply the concepts within a practical setting.


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