8600-339 Understanding Good Practice in Coaching Within the Workplace

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8600-339 Understanding Good Practice in Coaching Within the Workplace

Unit Overview

8600-339 Understanding Good Practice in Coaching within the Workplace is a unit that helps to improve the ability of the learner sot effectively influence the performance of the learners through improving the process of coaching. Coaching is a unique approach to performance management that leaders must adapt and use within the organisational context to improve the skills and abilities of the employees and team members. Coaching involves being able to support the employees and team members to develop personal goals and objectives and supporting them to achieve these goals.

This process integrated different elements that include training, motivation, advising, direction and focusing on the potential of the employees. By combining these techniques, the leader is able to effectively put in place coaching techniques that help to build employees who are able to handle different tasks and responsibilities within the organisation. The main purpose and aim of this unit is to provide the learners with the understanding of the practice required to effectively coach employees in the organisational context. The learners are provided with knowledge of relevant leadership skills and capacities that facilitate effective coaching procedures. The unit is taught in 9 hours of guided learning and contributes 3 credit values towards the completion of the ILM Level 3 module.

Suitability of the unit

Leaders within the organisations have the responsibility of implementing performance management techniques in their different areas of leadership and responsibility. There are different approaches to performance management and improving t eh abilities of the employees, which include training, mentoring, and coaching is one of the effective approaches as it triggers an employee centered mechanisms of learning where they set personal goals and the leader plays the role of supporting the accomplished of these personal goals. The unit is applicable in different areas within the organisations.

The leaders in different areas should be able to express the abilities and skills to coach the individuals under them and ensure that their performance is improved to align with the organisation's standards and expectations, making this unit significantly important and applicable to stakeholders within the organisation. The unit is designed with the learning needs of the first-line managers and junior managers in mind since they interact with the employees and team members in their daily leadership activities.

These leaders are positioned to influence the abilities and skills of the employees in different contexts. As such, the unit is important for them in improving their skills. However, since coaching is for anyone with the potential to influence junior employees, the unit is applicable to other stakeholders. Middle and executive-level managers can use the concepts and principles to develop effective policies and strategies to guide their areas of responsibility. Senior employees can also use the concepts of this unit to ensure they are able to share their skills and expertise with junior employees and improve their performance hence making the unit suitable for all stakeholders.

8600-339 Understanding Good Practice in Coaching Within the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of effective coaching within the organisational context

  • Understand the roles, responsibilities, skills and behaviours required for an effective coach.

  • Identify the barriers to effective coaching and the approaches to overcome these barriers

  • Identify methods of building an effective relationship with an individual that leads to effective coaching

  • Identify the process of contracting in coaching and safe and ethical practices associated with coaching

  • understand the coaching process based on a recognised coaching model

  • show an understanding of the different tools and techniques that can be used to set goals and determine outcome to facilitate the coaching practice

  • explain the role of records and reflective practices within a coaching context

Key Learning Areas

8600-339 Understanding Good Practice in Coaching within the Workplace focuses on building knowledge and skills in relation to coaching. Some of the main areas of learning within the unit include:

Understanding Principles of Coaching

This area of learning focuses on building the knowledge of the leader on different approaches, such as the importance of coaching within the organisational context as well as helping them to understand the different skills, behaviours and roles of the coach. A coach should be able to have unique characteristics that focus on building their ability to accomplish the coaching process. As such, the learner in this area is helped to identify the specific skills that they can develop to achieve these roles and responsibilities. Learners are also taught ion the barriers that could affect the coaching process and the interventions they can put in place to overcome the barriers.

Coaching Process

This area of learning helps the learner to identify the process of contracting for coaching. The learners are guided to understand the ethical principles that should guide the process of coaching and interaction with the individuals being coached. The learners are also introduced to the different models of coaching, such as OSCAR, ACHIEVE and TGROW, that they can use to effectively establish coaching approaches.

They are also guided to understand coaching tools and resources that are sued within the coaching process, such as learning style assessment tools, self-assessment tools. Visuals, role play, personality profiles and competencies that crate the pointing of focus in the process of coaching. The last element in this area of learning is the understanding of the assessment technique, monitoring and review techniques that can be used to conduct an evaluation of the coaching process in relation to the goals and objectives that have been established.

Record Keeping

This area of learning creates awareness of the significance of record-keeping in the coaching context. Learners are introduced to approaches of effectively maintaining records on the process of coaching as well as setting up reflective practices that help to improve the performance of the coaching practice.


The unit is internally assessed using an assignment brief that is provided. The learners are required to demonstrate the required standards of acquiring theoretical and practical information within the unit to ensure that they are able to pass the assessment.


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