8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working

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8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working

8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working is a unit within ILM Level 2 Module that aims at improving the understanding of the teams hence ensuring that the team leaders can facilitate success within the organisation. The team leaders have a responsibility to create a working environment within the organisation which aims at improving the specific goals and objectives of the team as well as improving the performance of the team.

8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working provides the team leaders with both theory and practice that is required to improve the performance of their teams. The unit improves the understanding of the needs of the teams, behaviours of the team members and factors that facilitate effective team working by improving the collaboration of the team members. The main purpose and aim of the unit is to improve the performance of organisational teams hence ensuring that the organisational leaders are able to facilitate understanding of effective team working and collaboration within the team.

The team leader needs to improve the performance of the team and improve the performance of the team members. This unit provides them with the necessary information required to achieve these goals and objectives. The unit is effective in helping the team leaders to improve the performance and individuals within the team hence boost productivity and alignment to organisational goals and objectives. The unit is completed in 3 hours of guided learning and accounts for 1 credit value in the completion of ILM Level 2 Module.

Suitability of the Unit

The unit is effectively created to meet the learning needs of the team leaders. The unit is important in improving the performance of the teams by influencing the ability of the team leaders to influence the performance of the team by improving collaboration and aligning it to the organisational goals and objectives.

The unit provides relevant information that can boost the process of communication within the team, setting the desired levels of environment that create improved performance and boosts social and working relationships within the team that contribute towards accomplishing the organisational goals and responsibilities. The unit is, therefore, highly suitable for the team leaders and supervisors within the organisation.The unit is, however, not limited to team leaders and supervisors within an organisation.

Organisational leaders can also pursue the unit to ensure that they understand the basic concepts of team working and how to ensure that they create a conducive working environment to support the activities of the team. Employees can also ensure that they are able to improve their professional practice and engagement within the teams hence facilitate success within the team. It also helps to provide them with informational backing that they may use when assigned with leadership roles and responsibilities.

8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the structure and characteristics of an effective team and the advantages that can be achieved through working in a team

  • Identify the critical barriers to team working within the workplace or organisation

  • Understand the critical effects of barriers to a team within the workplace

  • Develop effective approaches that can be used to overcome the barriers to team working within the organisation

  • Evaluate the organisational setting and understand the different situations where team working can be sued to achieve organisational goals and objectives.

  • Create and maintain an effective teamwork that helps to achieve the desired workplace goals and objectives through effective team working.

Key Learning Areas

8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working is a wide area of learning that covers critical aspects within the organisational concept. It reinforces the critical roles within the workplace hence ensuring that the organisation is able to achieve the various goals and objectives that are set hence ensuring that it is productive. This unit covers different areas of learning, which include:

Principles of Team Working

This area of learning introduces the leaders pursuing the unit to team works within the organisation. The team leaders need to be introduced to the process of teamwork. This involves understanding the principles of teamwork.

It involves definition of teams and ensuring that the leaders are able to set up effective teams that achieve organisational goals and objectives. The learners are guided in the process of evaluating the need for teams within the organisation and ensuring that they achieve organisational goals and objectives.

Building Effective Team

This area of learning provides basic principles and information that is implemented in achieving organisational goals and objectives. This area of learning provides the principles that are required to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. They are provided with principles of designing the teams and the process of influencing the performance of the team hence boosting the productivity of the organisation in general.

This area of learning is important in boosting the theoretical frameworks that are implemented in achieving organisational goals and objectives. It also involves understanding the types of problem behaviours that can cause disagreement within the teams and affect the interaction of the team. Additionally, the learners are introduced to theoretical frameworks for forming groups, such as the Tuckman model and those that are used in sharing implications, including the Velni model.

Lastly, the learners are guided to differentiate between the role of self and others in solving the issues affecting effective team working that could affect the process of accomplishing the organisational tasks and objectives.

Wrap Up

8000-276 Understanding Effective Team Working is a unit that aims at improving the performance of the organisation through setting up effective teams. The unit helps in designing the teams and the different roles and responsibilities of the team. Upon completion of the team, the learners are put through different evaluation processes.

Written assessments are used to determine the mastery of theoretical concepts learned within the unit, while supervised practice is used to ensure that the practice aspect of the unit is effectively learned. The assessor determines the practical use of the skills that have been learned to improve their leadership abilities and techniques within the team.


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