5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

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5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

Unit Overview

Resource and talent planning (5RST) is a module that focuses on ensuring effective handling of the workforce. This is a CIPD Level 5 unity that is essential for all human resource professionals in ensuring they are equipped to serve the staffing needs of the organisation. The unit is designed to ensure that it provides the professionals with the necessary information on resourcing and talent planning through mobilisation of the employees and organisational environment to ensure that the organisation is able to acquire the desired skill necessary to achieve different organisational goals at a specific time.

As such, the course is designed to ensure organisations are provided with qualified and competent human resource professionals who are able to design strategies that focus on attracting, developing and retaining employees to reduce the rates of employee turnover experienced within the organisation.

Unit Objectives

In providing the necessary learning experiences to human resource professionals, the course seeks to achieve the following objectives.

·       Understand the concept of talent acquisition

·       Enlighten the professionals on resource and talent planning.

·       Introduce different practices, strategies and techniques that the organisations can use to attract, recruit, select, retain and dismiss their workforce

·       Provide strategic approaches that can be used by organisations, through their human resource professionals, to position themselves as employee of choice within the competitive labor market.

5RST Resourcing and Talent Planning

Unit Content

5RST covers a wide array of learning areas that improve the ability of the human resource professionals to fulfill their mandate within the organisation. Some of the areas of learning include:

Workforce Planning

This area of learning focuses on providing knowledge of the elements of an effective workforce planning. The people professionals are taught to identify the market conditions and employ an effective strategies and practices that optimises the resourcing of the organisation, in terms of workforce, within the competitive markets.

Through the lesson, the learners are taught to identify the patterns of labor demand and supply to ensure they master market dynamics hence improve their ability to analyse needs and meet the needs through identification and provision of necessary skill sets required within the organisation.

Talent Planning and Recruitment

In this area of learning, the students pursuing the 5RST unit are introduced to understanding the trends and trends within the market in terms of acquiring the necessary supply of skills. The lesson is important in ensuring the learners can identify prospective candidates of employment who are highly skilled and can boost the ability of the organisation to maximise its productivity and performance.

The course, therefore, focuses on analysis and interpretation of trends within the market to identify the most critical skills that are competed for in the market hence the course introduces the learners to critical aspects of labor marketing which include venturing in international markets for recruitment and selection of highly talented workforce.

Employee Retention

5RST further provides the learners with the information on effective employee retention skills. The people professionals need to master the skills and have the ability to retain workers after recruitment them. This is achieved through maximising the satisfaction of the workers by employee retention strategies.

In this area of learning the students will gain information on the significance of employee retention and the process of developing a retention plan which is important in guiding the strategy development of addressing the issue of employee turnover. Skills in retaining talent will help the people professionals to adapt to the real-life situation and develop strategies aimed at reducing employee turnover.

Dismissal and Turnover

People professional must be prepared to handle cases of dismissal due to legally accepted reasons such as poor performance or misconduct. 5RST focuses on providing the HR professionals with the necessary information and skills to support this process. This information involves the legal frameworks that are established within the employment law to guide the process and the need for element such as compensation during the overall process.

On top of dismissal based on discipline, 5RST is designed to further prepare the learners for the process of employee turnover. The unit guides on aspects such as retirement and replacement of leaving of employees to avoid significant disruptions in the organisational process that could affect the performance of the company.

Relevance of 5RST to HR Professionals

HR professionals should be well informed to handle different organisational practices that involve the process of managing the employee and workforce within the organisation. This course prepares the professional for such activities and practices which involve guiding them through the legal process of talent management and planning. The professionals are introduced to the practices and techniques of employee retention which aid in improving their abilities in delivering when performing their organisational duties and mandates.

Additionally, HR professionals need to have the necessary skill to provide both technical and practical support to the top management of the organisation in the process of handling dismissal and employee turnover. 5RST is a course that can help both groups of decision makers, HR professionals and top management to acquire information that is relevant in such practices. As such, the course is highly versatile and important to any individuals within the organisational rank that is required to handle human resource through processes such as development strategies, retention measures, and handling of dismissals and general turnovers.

Wrap Up

5RST as a Level 5 CIPD Unit is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of the professionals in relation to handling and resourcing talent. This involves critical practices of planning, retention and management of the talents within the workforce. At the end of this unit, the learner is required to have both theoretical and practical mastery of the resourcing and talent planning techniques.

The assessment within the course is conducted through two main tasks which are a written assessment where the learner expresses the content they have learned within the unit by answering questions and a case analysis where the learner is required to examine real-life situations that assess the ability to relate learned content and principles to the organisational context.

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