8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and Efficiently in the Workplace

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8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and Efficiently in the Workplace

 8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and Efficiently in the Workplace is a unit in the ILM Level 2 Module that contributes to shaping the understanding and skills of the team leaders in playing their daily duties and responsibilities within the teams. Leaders need to understand their role in facilitating the effective use of the resources assigned in different areas of responsibilities hence ensuring that the organisational goals and objectives are successfully achieved.

This unit focuses on pursuing this area of learning by boosting the understanding of the learners, who are mainly practising and potential team leaders, with the information of utilising these resources. The unit is important for different levels of leadership as it helps to align the expenditure of the stakeholders in these different levels to the preset organisational goals and objectives.

The main purpose and aim of the unit are to develop an understanding of the efficient and effective use of resources which is a critical requirement of practising and potential team leaders in accordance with national occupational standards. The unit is achieved in 7 hours of guided learning which is equivalent to 1 credit value within the ILM module course. There are different methods used for instruction of this unit, including virtual learning and one on one integration between the tutor and learners, which facilitate supervision and simulation of learning activities.

Suitability of the Unit

Leaders need to ensure that practices developed within their areas of responsibility are aligned with the goals and objectives of the organisation, which involve being able to effectively and efficiently achieve the organisational goals and objectives. As such, 8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and efficiently in the Workplace is a unit that should be pursued by all stakeholders within the organisation in different levels of responsibilities.

The unit is, however designed to suit the needs of team leaders and supervisors. This helps them to acquire the basic principles and strategies that they can use within their teams to ensure they create an environment that supports the team members to achieve set goals and objectives within the assigned resources. The unit is also suitable for this group of leaders as it helps them to understand strategies for budgeting and acquiring resources that they can apply to different tasks within the team.

The unit is, however, also applicable to line managers and top leaders within the organisation who are tasked with planning and allocating resources to different teams. They should understand the principles that are applied within the teams to suit them better for the process of allocating different resources. Lastly, the employees can pursue the course to help them build professional knowledge and prepare them for future leadership roles and responsibilities within the teams.

8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and Efficiently in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Show an understanding of the different forms of resources that are applied within the workplace to achieve eth e desired goals and objectives

  • Show understanding of the role that effective planning has in improving the utilisation of the resources within the organisation.

  • Use concepts and principles of utilising organisational resources to develop an effective approach for their teams based on organisational policies and standards for utilisationthe utilisation of resources

  • Mater the importance of having sufficient resources, including physical, human and financial resources within the workplace

  • Understand different processes that can be used to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency with which the resources are utilised in their areas of responsibility

  • Show skills and ability to efficiently utilise resources in accomplishing organisational goals and objectives without compromising the performance of their teams

Key learning Areas

8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and efficiently in the Workplace helps to build skills among the learners on how to effectively utilise the allocated resources to facilitate accomplishment of tasks and duties within their teams. This is a critical aspect in ensuring that the organisation is able to sustainably achieve its goals and objectives, making this unit critical within the institutions. Some of the key learning areas covered with the unit include:

Understanding organisational resources

This area of learning focuses on introducing the learners to the different forms of resources that they will come across in their daily organisational practices and process of managing their teams. The learners are guided to differentiate the different types of resources that are used in the workplace to ensure that they understand the different necessities as team leaders that would be used to fulfil their responsibilities.

Additionally, there are guided on effective methods that they can use to plan for the resources and procedures through which they make requests to the senior authorities for the allocation of necessary resources. This information acquired in this unit is also important in addressing issues of shortages that the leaders could experience in their different areas of practice hence improving the abilities and performance of the individuals in their responsibilities within the teams.

Concept of costs

There are different forms of costs that the team incurs in different tasks. 8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and efficiently in the Workplace provides the learners with an understanding of the concepts associated with organisational costs. This includes understanding critical aspects such as capital, consumable, fixed and variable costs which could be crucial areas where the team leader can influence to ensure the use of resources is effective and deficient in achieving the tasks and responsibilities of the team.

The unit, in this area, further helps to guide the team leader in understanding the role that organisational, legal and regulatory standards have on the acquisition, use and management of resources within their teams hence boosting their ability to be compliant with these standards in setting team plans and procedures.


Upon completion of the unit, the learner goes through different forms of assessment to evaluate the accomplishment of learning objectives and outcomes. A written assessment is used to gain an understanding of the theoretical principles that are learned within the unit. Additionally, supervised practice is used to determine the ability of the learners to effectively use principles learned in 8000-262 Using Resources Effectively and efficiently in the Workplace to achieve and improve the efficacy of their teams and organisation in general.




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