8000-252 Planning and Monitoring Work

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8000-252 Planning and Monitoring Work

Leaders within organisations need to understand the role that effective planning needs to play in achieving the performance of their teams. 8000-252 Planning and Monitoring Work is a unit within the ILM Level 2 module that focuses on guiding the learners in acquiring the necessary information within this area of practice. The learners are guided to understand the theoretical principles associated with effective team planning and the process of monitoring the activities within the team with the aim of optimising the performance.

As such, this makes the unit critical in improving the leading ability of individuals tasked with the duty of managing and influencing teams with the purpose of accomplishing specific goals and objectives assigned within the teams. 8000-252 Planning and Monitoring Work, as a unit, covers critical areas of learning and offers 2 credit values contributing to the overall performance of the learners within the ILM Level 2 module.The main aim and purpose of the unit is to ensure that it develops an effective approach that the team leaders can use in effective planning and monitoring of activities within the teams or cells that they are assigned.

The leaders pursuing this unit are guided to be able to achieve the required levels of practice and professionalism in planning and monitoring activities within their teams as potential team or cell leaders. As such, it contributes to preparing team leaders who contribute to the performance and general workmanship of team members in an organisation hence making it a critical unit for boosting leadership skills.

Suitability of the Course

Planning and monitoring are skills and capabilities that are critical for any team leader within the organisation. This unit is, therefore, suitable for leaders in different ranks within the organisation. However, it is designed to meet the needs of team leaders or cell leaders. It provides information that is applicable for current teal or cell leaders as well as preparing learners for future leadership within teams.

As such, the unit is significantly important in preparing these individuals for the roles that they will play as leaders by providing theory and practice learning on aspects involved in planning for the effective accomplishment of team goals and objectives. The unit also ensures that the team members are able to establish effective monitoring strategies. Other leaders, including executive leaders, could use the information provided within the unit to oversee the practices within the organisation and ensure effective coordination between teams.

8000-252 Planning and Monitoring Work

Learning Outcomes

The unit outcomes are measured on three parameters which are relating organisational guidelines to team goals, effective planning and allocation of work and monitoring of the accomplishment of the set activities against the plan. Upon completion of this unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Show understanding of the organisational policy and its impact on planning and allocation of work within the organisation

  • Develop effective targets and objectives that their team should work at achieving

  • Identify the different stages of planning and allocation of work within a team

  • Describe the process of allocation aimed at meeting team objectives

  • Show an understanding of the approaches to ensure team members understand their all0cated work

  • Identify different methods that can be used to monitor the performance of the team and members against the developed plan

  • Develop actions the team leader can take to rectify situations of underachievement identified from the monitoring process.

Key Learning Areas

Organisational Goals and Objective 8000-252 

Planning and Monitoring Work helps the learners to ensure that they understand the organisational goals and objectives hence developing the effective activities of the teams against the goals and objectives. Organisations have the preset goals and objectives that need to be achieved, as well as the specific approaches that are designed to achieve these goals.

The leaders within the unit are taught to generate SMART targets using the organisational requirements and ensure that they address forms of incompatibility between the targets and objectives of the organisation with the team practices as well as identify specific distinctions between the policies and strategies.

Effective Planning

8000-252 Planning and Monitoring Work also provides the learners with the guidance and information required to understand the process of planning. The course provides the learners with the specific theories that should be followed in conducting the desired levels of planning and allocation of work. As such, learners are able to acquire useful information that they can implement in their practice of leadership within the organisation, which facilitates the accomplishment of tasks and objectives within the team.

This unit guides the elders to appreciate the role and contributions that people can play in achieving the goals and objectives. Leaders acquire information on understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the members and effective communication, which are important in achieving desired performance. Additionally, learners are introduced to the planning techniques such as scheduling using rotas/ shifts hence achieving the desired levels of performance through effective supervision.

Effective Monitoring

In this area of learning, the learners are taken through the process of monitoring their performance against the established plan. The learners are giddied to appreciate the role that team leaders play in facilitating the performance of the team through effective analysis of actual performance against targets. The learners are introduced to various methods that they can use to monitor the performance and identify variance, as well as ensure that the team members are able to understand the indicator and monitoring systems that are put in place.

Additionally, the learners are introduced to the process of quality measurement and checks through inspection and specific standards. At this unit, team leaders are guided on the process of effective reporting to the manager. The process ensures that the team leader is able to link with the organisational managers to ensure that the performance of the team is aligned with the set processes to achieve organisational goals and objectives effectively.


The learners are required to complete different forms of assessment during the learning period and after completion of the unit. The assessment is conducted through the use of written assessments where the learner responds to questions on planning and monitoring within the teams.


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