8600-336 Understanding Incident Management and Disaster Recovery in the Workplace

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8600-336 Understanding Incident Management and Disaster Recovery in the Workplace

Unit Overview

8600-336 Understanding Incident Management and Disaster Recovery in the Workplace is a unit within the ILM Level 3 module that is designed to provide the leaders within organisations with information that they can use to create effective recovery in case risks occur and mitigate the adverse effects of incidents. Organisations in different situations may face challenges that may include occurrence of risks that cause disruptions in normal operations and the ability to accomplish different tasks effectively; it is important for the leaders to ensure they are in a position to effectively handle such incidents and recover effectively to mitigate losses and such negative effects.

In being able to effectively manage incidents, the leaders must understand the principles of risk assessment where they identify potential impacts of the incidents on the organisational activities and practices hence put up strategies and interventions that reduce the occurrence of the risk of mitigate its impact on the organisations. Disaster recovery on the other ran focuses on ensuring that normal operations are reinstated efficiently after the occurrence of the risk.

8600-336 Understanding Incident Management and Disaster Recovery in the Workplace is a unit; therefore, that is important in ensuring that leaders within the organisations are able to effectively facilitate success amidst the occurrence of risks. The main purpose of the unit is to create knowledge and an understanding of the significance and strategies that can be used to achieve desired incident management and disaster recovery within the workplace to ensure that organisational performance is not compromised.

Suitability of the Unit

Different areas of the organisation are faced with risks that need to be managed. Occurrence of these risks in different areas requires the leaders to react effectively and put up incident management techniques. This ensures that the impact of the incident does not compromise the performance or productivity of the organisation and the team. The unit is significantly applicable to leaders within the organisations who have to ensure that the organisation in different areas is able to effectively handle the occurrence of risks without compromising its performance or causing significant disruptions to the organisation.

The unit is designed to meet the learning needs of the first-line managers and junior manages within the organisation. It helps them to establish practices within the team levels that can be effective in achieving the desired levels of recovery on the basic levels of the organisation that are responsible for operations within the organisation.

However, it is not limited to this level of organisational leadership. The unit is highly versatile and applicable to different areas of leadership and practice within the organisations. The middle and top managers can use the information provided within the unit to put up measures and strategies that are aimed at creating incident management and recovery within the overall organisation. Employees can also use the unit to prepare them for future leadership positions as well as support their practices in the process of disaster recovery.

8600-336 Understanding Incident Management and Disaster Recovery in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the process of business risk management

  • Describe the potential threats and major incidents that the organisation is facing in the context of the industry

  • Understand the potential outcomes that are associated with the expected hazard and incidents if they are not effectively managed

  • Understand measures that can be used to reduce the impact of business interruption on people and organisations which could compromise performance

  • Identify various mitigation measures that can be used to prevent major incidents within the organisation

  • Identify approaches of monitoring and reviewing the processes that are used to mitigate and manage incidents within the organisation

  • Explain the recovery procedures and interventions that have been put up within the organisation

  • Describe major incidents that could occur and the role of the first-line manager when these risks occur within the organisation

Key Learning Areas

8600-336 Understanding Incident Management and Disaster Recovery in the Workplace is a unit that focuses on boosting the ability of the leaders within the organisations to manage incidents and ensure that the organisation is able to effectively withstand disasters and recover from their impacts. Some of the main learning areas include:

Risk Management

This area of learning helps to identify inevitable and unavoidable threats and risks that the organisation faces. It helps to identify business risks and the various impacts that the threats could have on the organisation. Through conducting effective risk management through assessment and prediction, the organisations can effectively put up approaches to facilitate business continuity and recovery when the risk occurs or help to avoid the risks.

Incident Management

This area of learning helps to ensure that the impact of incidents is effectively managed. When risks occur, the leaders within an organisation must be able to effectively handle the effects and mitigate the impacts on the organisation. This area of learning helps to build knowledge on the approaches that can be taken to address the business interruption caused by the occurrence of the incidents on the people and organisation in general. It is important in creating sustainability and continuity in organisational activities. Other aspects included in this area are emergency preparedness and prevention controls. The learners are also trained on the significance of insurance to facilitate the process of incident management.

Recovery Process

This area of learning develops an understanding of the role that the leader should play to ensure that the organisation is able to recover in case of the occurrence of disasters. The learners are taught on the concept of business continuity and disaster recovery. This includes being able to identify threats and identify effective recovery teams that are to facilitate continuity. The area of learning also identifies the role that effective management plays in creating business continuity and disaster recovery teams.


On completing the unit, an evaluation is conducted to determine the accomplishment of the learning goals and objectives. The evaluation consists of a 2500-3000 written assessment where the learners are tested to determine mastery of theoretical and practical concepts that have been learned within the classroom.


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