8000-256 Working Within Organisational and Legal Guidelines

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8000-256 Working Within Organisational and Legal Guidelines

8000-256 Working within Organisational and Legal Guidelines is a unit within the ILM Level 2 module that focuses on aligning the teams to the organisational guidelines and the legal frameworks that guide the organisations. The unit contributes in generating leaders of teams who have an awareness to the duties and roles of the teams in ensuring that there is compliance to the set ethical and legal frameworks to guide the activities and processes within the organisation in general.

This alignment of team activities to organisational and legal guidelines is a critical practice that helps the organisiaont to ensure that the conflicts that could arise within the organisations are addressed to ensure there is collaborative and coordinated performance of the organisations. The purpose and aim of this unit is developing an understanding of leading a team lawfully and ethically by following principles that are established both by the law and ethical values that are appreciated by the organisation, for the practicing and potential team leaders.

This unit contributes significantly in building the skills and knowledge of the team and cell leaders hence prepare them for their duties and responsibilities. The unit is completed in 6 learning units and offers 1 credit value to the learners showing its significance in the process of completing IM Level 2 module.

Suitability of the Unit

The unit is designed to provide information to team leaders. Team leaders have a responsibility of guiding and overseeing activities within a team and this unit aims at building the knowledge and understanding of the learners towards ethical and legal practice within teams. The team leaders are most benefited by these unit as they get the skills and theoretical information to pursue their responsibilities avoiding conflicts with the ethical values appreciated within the organisation and the legal frameworks that are established to guide them.

However, the course is not limited to team leaders. Other leaders within the organisation including line managers and departmental heads can use knowledge presented within the organisation to create environments that are supportive to the teams facilitating ethical and legal practice. General employees and external consultants can also benefit from the unit since it provides them with information that they can currently employ in providing support and advice to the team leaders as well as prepare them for future duties and responsibilities that accompany being tasked with leadership responsibilities in future.

As such, it can be see that this unit is critical in preparing leaders for their duties within their specific organisations to ensure that the teams and organisations they lead are able to achieve the goals and objectives.

8000-256 Working Within Organisational and Legal Guidelines

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Understand the statutory rights for employees under the UK law

  • Understand the role of the team leader in implementing the laws within teams or the organisation in general

  • Show knowledge of organisational policies that cover employee rights and responsibilities as well as the ethical standards appreciated by the organisation in terms of interacting with employees

  • Exhibit mastery of contract agreements including its purpose in the employment context and general benefits that can be achieved by understanding the employment contract

  • Understand the role of the team leader in implementing legal handling of human resource in approaches such as disciplinary policies and dismissals

  • Outline the process of handling employee grievances as prescribed by the policies of the organisation and the legal frameworks within the UK

Key Learning Areas

8000-256 Working within Organisational and Legal Guidelines is a critical unit that covers significant organisational practice and legal framework. It ensures that team and organisational leaders understand their legal and ethical responsibilities hence improve the ability to avoid conflicts between team practices and organisational policies. Some of the key learning areas include:

Legal and Ethical Frameworks

This area of learning aims at covering critical legal and ethical frameworks that learners should understand before they can engage in leading teams within the organisation. There are different frameworks including fairness and equity, employment law, and collective bargaining frameworks that dictate the interactions between team leaders and members as well as govern general handling of employees. These area of 8000-256 Working within Organisational and Legal Guidelines focuses on providing coverage of such legal practices that should be followed by the learners when they are assigned leadership responsibilities

Contract Law

Contract law is critical within organisations and for leaders. This unit ensures that the learners understand the practices of contract of employment and the various terms that are involved in the agreement. Leaders within teams and the organisation in general must understand this information to ensure that the involvement of the team members and employees in general is in accordance to the agreements made within the team. For team leaders, aspects such as length of the project the team is tasked with are critical aspects of contract of employment that could influence the alignment of the practice to the legal frameworks.

Handling Grievances, Discipline and Dismissal

This is a reticle area of coverage that is influenced by the legal frameworks. Leaders must understand the specific procedures that are supported by the law and organisational policies in handling grievances and disciplinary issues within the organisation. Unfair dismissal is another critical legal issues experienced within the organisation.

8000-256 Working Within Organizational and Legal Guidelines provides the learners with understanding of legal frameworks affecting these practices such as the legal reasons for dismissal that are effective in avoiding legal conflicts within the organisation. This unit also helps the leaders to develop strategies and practices for their teams or organisations that should meet the specific requirements of the law as well as fulfill the ethical requirements that are set upon the organisation.

Wrap Up

Upon completion of learning in 8000-256 Working within Organizational and Legal Guidelines, the learners are required to complete an assessment to show the mastery of the content and evaluate the accomplishment of the organisational goals and objectives. The learners are made to complete a written assessment and supervised practice which evaluate both the theory and practice associated with the unit.


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