8000-272 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace

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8000-272 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace

Leaders within the organisation must be able to set and communicate the critical objectives that t are aimed to be met within the workplace. This aspect is more critical for team leaders and supervisors who oversee the accomplishment of specific projects within the organisation that have a direct impact on the accomplishment of the overall organisational goals. 8000-272 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace is a unit within the ILM Level 2 module that focuses on improving the skills and abilities of the leaders to set these goal and objectives in the workplace and for specific teams.

The unit provides the leaders with critical areas of focus that should be addressed to ensure that the objectives that are set by the leaders are effective in covering the overall practices within the workplace and the teams. This unit aims at developing an understanding of the process of setting attainable objectives of their teams. It further purposes to provide an understanding of the approaches to monitoring the achievement of these objectives by determining success criteria that determines the efficiency in achieving the goals. The unit is covered in 6 guided learning hours and is accountable for 1 credit value within the ILM Level 2 module.

Suitability of the Course

Organisational activities should be guided by effective setting of goals that create a focus for the employees, teams and individuals within the teams. The unit, therefore, provides information that is significantly applicable to different stakeholders within the organisation. Organisational leaders can benefit from the information provided within the unit in developing an effective set of objectives and goals for the general organisations.

Team leaders and supervisors within the organisations are the main target of the unit. It aims at creating understanding and relevant skills among the team leaders that is required in influencing their ability to set up objectives that guide the activities of the team members hence ensuring that the team efficiently and effectively accomplishes assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Team leaders and members can also benefit from the course in improving their personal and professional development. Goal setting is not limited to workplace engagement but can also improve the personal skills and lifestyles of the members. This unit therefore helps all stakeholders to improve their productivity within the organisation while at the same time improving their personal lives through effective goal setting.

8000-272 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the role that effective time management plays in setting and achieving team goals within the workplace

  • Identify different techniques and practices that are associated with effective time management within the workplace

  • Identify specific time management techniques that can be used to set and achieve a personal or team objective within the organisational setting

  • Show understanding of the significance of effective workplace team objectives

  • Understand the process of setting SMART objectives that are used to accomplish the team goals and contribute to the productivity of the organisation in general

  • Develop an effective evaluation strategy that is used to monitor the progress of the team against the set objectives

  • Conduct a review of the achievement of the SMART objectives against the determined success criteria for the organisation

  • Collect relevant feedback and information on team performance, especially in line with the accomplishment of team goals and objectives

  • Identify areas of strength and those that need improvement and development within the team to maximise the process of achieving workplace objectives

Key Learning Areas

8000-272 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace as a unit is critical lain improving the ability of the team leaders to set achievable goals within the organisation. It also aims at improving the ability of the leaders to identify the need for team development and improvement to optimise the ability to accomplish organisational goals and objectives. Some of the key learning areas include:

Time Management

Leaders must appreciate the role that time management plays in the attainment of the set goals and objectives. As such, 8000-272 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace provides the learners with information on effective time management approaches.

The learners are led to appreciate the role that time management has in influencing the process of accomplishing individual and team objectives. They are also provided with information involving the process of creating time management techniques and practices as well as the ability to apply this technique in different settings within the team or in the accomplishment of personal objectives.

SMART Objectives

Organisational activities are shifting towards the use of SMART objectives that are aimed at improving the performance of the team and alignment with organisational policies. This area of learning focuses on introducing the learners to the process of setting and achieving SMART objectives. This involves the use of effective planning and visual representation of important aspects such as goals, targets and objectives against the set timeline.

The unit also provides information on effective resources that are required for the achievement of each objective, ensuring that there is a clearly identified approach to attaining the set objectives and targets. This helps to ensure that the objective setting and achievement is against a specific criteria and addresses issues of clarity in objectives among the team.

Monitoring Process

Team leaders should monitor the progress of accomplishing the objectives against the success criteria. This area of learning provides theoretical frameworks that are applicable in creating a measure of achievement of the objectives identified.

It helps the learners to understand the process of collecting feedback that can be used to identify areas of team development and improvement in future. Additionally, the course helps the learner to develop flexibility in responding to the changes in circumstances based on the context of the organisation.


The learners are required to complete the unit after which the assessment is conducted. Written assessments are sued to determine the knowledge of the learners and mastery of the content taught within the lesson. Case studies are included in the questions that the learners are required to respond to evaluate the practice element of learning. Supervised practice and simulation are also other assessment tools used within this course to ensure the learner is able to use the information in practical contexts.


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