8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace

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8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace

Unit Overview

Managers have a responsibility to ensure they improve the performance of the subjects and followers within the organisation. 8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace is a unit within the ILM Level 4 Module that provides the relevant information that the managers require to use in managing the people and ensuring that it improves their performance within the organisation hence generally optimising the performance of the organisation.

Managing and developing people is a process that involves the ability to understand the needs of each individual within the organisation and the various plans that can be implemented to cover for the shortcomings or weaknesses that is identified within the individual. Middle-level managers, first-line managers and executive managers shall have a role to play in collaboratively putting up strategies and measures within the organisation that are aimed at improving the people within their areas of responsibility.

In the contemporary corporate setting, developing people through continuous personal and professional development is an ethical and legal obligation of the employer and managers; therefore, they have the responsibility of ensuring that they facilitate this process. As such, 8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace is a unit that covers critical areas of learning to improve this process and achieve the desired levels of development.

The main purpose and aim of the unit is to ensure the managers have the understanding and ability to plan personal development strategies and processes for individuals within the workplace. This ensures that the ability, skills and knowledge of the individuals are aligned to the trends and changing organisational needs hence optimising their performance. The unit is taught in 21 hours of guided learning and contributes 5 credit values towards the completion of the ILM Level 4 Module.

Who is Suited to this Unit?

Managers have the responsibility of creating an environment where the employees within the workplace can acquire suitable and consistent professional and personal development. As such, all managers within the organisation are suited to 8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace, which provides the necessary support in terms of information to achieve the desired learning goals within the organisations.

The unit is designed to meet the learning needs of middle-level managers within the organisations including department heads, regional managers and the riddle level managers that could be within the organisational hierarchy structure. However, it is not limited to these individuals. The unit helps to improve the understanding of executive managers on the need to put up structures for personal and professional development.

Junior leaders and employees can pursue the unit in preparation for leadership duties and to create an effective succession plan within their organisation, while external consultants, especially HRBP, can use the course as a source of information to support the development of people practices revolving around improving the ability and capabilities of individuals within the organisation.

8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Identify the benefits of effective personal devilment plans to the organisations in terms of performance and attractiveness

  • Assess the benefits that the process of personal development could have on the individuals and improve their contribution to the organisations

  • Assess effective approaches that can be used to address individuals expectations involving personal and professional development

  • Identify the various development vehicles in the organisation that are appropriate for developing the needs of the individual

  • Create an effective plan to meet the identified development needs of the individuals within the organisation

  • Put up effective evaluation approaches to identify the efficiency of the personal development plans.

Key Learning Areas 

8605-405 Developing People in the Workplace is a unit that is aimed at improving ten ability to assess the development needs of the employees and put up effective measures and strategies to ensure that these needs are met. As such, the unit covers critical areas of learning that may include:

Needs Analysis

In this area of learning within the unit, the learners are guided in understanding effective approaches that they can use to scan the organisation environment and identify various learning expectations and requirements of the individuals. The manager should be able to meet the learning exceptions of the individuals and manage them effectively.

This area of learning ensures that they have the ability to understand this process. Other critical principles, including diversity within the workplace and promotion of a consistent work/life balance, are covered within this learning area where the learners are guided in understanding approaches to better understand their workforce and identify areas of weaknesses that can be improved with learning and development strategies.

Development Plans

This is a wide area of training that covers critical aspects, including setting effective objectives of the personal development plan to, implementing the plan, and ensuring that the ability of the individuals is improved. In this area of learning, the managers are rained on being able to align the personal development strategies to organisational policies that are built on diversity, equality and other ethical and legal principles.

It further helps to ensure the leaders can put up support structures that are required to effectively manage the career development of people as well as address interpersonal conflicts that may arise within the organisation. The learners are also guided in understanding the different methods of performance appraisals, including the objective and fair assessment approaches that can be used to evaluate performance and provide feedback aimed at improving the employees hence forming a critical part of the process of professional and personal development.

Lastly, the learners are guided in developing effective learning styles, training and development opportunities, and career development strategies that are used to implement learning techniques to address the weaknesses of the employees that are deified within the process of performance appraisal. Reporting and evaluation of efficiency for eh programs is also important in facilitating success within the whole program.


The learners, after completing the unit, are required to go through the evaluation process. This involves completing a written assessment of about 3000 words where they show understanding of the theory and practice learned within the unit by providing responses to questions on the template supervised practice and simulated exercises can also be used by assessors of ensure the learner is able to practically use the learned principles.


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