Unit 2002V1 Communicating with a Team

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Unit 2002V1 Communicating with a Team

Unit Overview

Unit 2002V1 Communicating with a team is a unit within the CMI Level 2 module that helps to improve communication within the team. Leaders and team members must be able to effectively communicate. Communication is critical within the teams as it helps to improve performance in line with the goals and objectives of the team. Effective communication is important in passing information to the team, receiving feedback, and facilitating effective collaboration in the process of delivering on team goals and objectives as well as professional mandates. The process of communication should be facilitated from the high hierarchies, which involves being influenced by the leaders at senior levels and transmitted to the team through the team leaders. This requirement makes it necessary for organisational and team leaders to embrace effective training that helps to advance their knowledge and skills in relation to improving their communication within the teams

Unit 2002V1 Communicating with a Team is a unit that aims at improving the skills of the leaders in relation to communication within the team. The unit focuses on assessing the skills and abilities required by the leader to improve performance within their areas of responsibility. The unit focuses on assessing the knowledge and skills that are required to improve the process of communication within the teams, especially through the influence of the team leaders. The unit sets out learning goals and objectives aligned with the needs of the team leader. It is taught in 20 hours of guided learning and contributes 5 credit values towards the completion of the CMI Level 2 module.

Unit 2002V1 Communicating with a Team

Suitability of the Unit

Communication is a role and responsibility that each stakeholder should be able to effectively play. Within a team setting, the leader has the responsibility of ensuring that they coordinate the communication activities and processes that ensure that there is efficiency and convenience in accomplishing the organisational goals and objectives. It is important that all leaders tasked with overseeing project teams and other units within the workplace understand effectively their role in creating collaboration and receiving feedback through effective communication approaches and models. This makes his unit important in improving the capabilities, knowledge, and information of the leaders within the workplace.

The unit focuses on the learning needs of the team leaders within the workplace. It involves improving the capabilities of the team leaders and junior leaders within the workplace to improve their ability to influence the performance of their teams effectively. However, the unit can also be pursued by both middle managers and senior managers who are on higher ranks within the workplace to improve their ability to influence the performance of the organisation from the strategic levels. Employees and team members can also benefit from the content and skills developed within the unit. It helps them to understand their role in communication within the teams as well as build their ability to contribute towards the accomplishment of team goals and objectives. It also prepares them for leadership roles within the workplace.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Explain the principles of effective communication

  • Understand the methods that can be used to effectively communicate from the context of the team

  • Identify potential barriers to communication and methods that can be used to overcome the barriers to communication in the workplace

  • Understand the role of team briefing in achieving the organisational goals and objectives

  • Identify various methods that can be used to conduct an effective team briefing

  • Create a team briefing plan that is aimed at achieving outlined team objectives and goals

  • Understand the process of creating effective team briefing objectives as well as the structure of team briefing

  • Conduct a team briefing implementing the identified plan to ensure that there is effective communication between the team members by creating approaches of involving team members in setting effective team goals and strategies

  • Evaluate the outcome of the team briefing by regularly monitoring the process of implementation of decisions made in line with the set objectives

Key Learning Areas

Unit 2002V1 Communicating with a team focuses on improving the ability of the team leaders to communicate and facilitate effective communication within the team. Some of the main areas of learning within this module include:

Effective Communication

This area of learning is critical in improving the contribution of the team leaders in setting effective methods and approaches of communication. The leaders are introduced to different approaches of communication within the workplace. Additionally, the learners are introduced to principles of communication that they can use in ensuring that there is effective achievement of the goals and objectives of the team.

Learners are introduced to the channels and mediums of communication that are effective and convenient in their areas of learning. Lastly, the learners are guided to understand the principles that they can apply in motivating the team members to be involved in the organisational goals and objectives and create effective accomplishment t of organisational goals and objectives.

Team Briefing

The learners are guided to appreciate the role of team briefing in ensuring all team members subscribe to the approaches and vision of the team. This involves ensuring that the team members are involved in setting the strategies and approaches that are designed to accomplish the tasks of the organisation.

This area of learning also builds the ability of the learner to effectively set an environment within the workplace that involves effective communication. Learners are introduced to methods of involving team members in making decisions and contributing to team activities. Lastly, the learners are guided to evaluate the outcome of team briefing in approaches such as SMART objectives.


On completing the unit, the learners are required to complete an assessment.t eh assessment is used to determine the mastery of the theoretical learning contents and accomplishment of the learning goals and objectives. A written assessment is used to evaluate the learners who are required to complete a template on the content of the unit.


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