8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace

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8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace

8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace is a critical unit within the ILM Level 2 Module. This unit focuses on providing information for the team leaders to ensure that they can coach the individuals within a team and provide them with the necessary support that is required to introduce them to their roles and responsibilities within the team. This unit helps the learners, both practising and potential team/ cell leaders, with the information required to integrate new members into the team.

Induction is a critical process in providing the new team members with information that orients them to the new teams, while coaching provides them with the technical knowledge required to accomplish their daily roles and responsibilities within the team. 8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace focuses on providing such information, it is critical for any leader within the organisation and in small teams. Learners within this unit are required to go through 8 learning hours to ensure that the content is adequately covered and has a credit value of 2 within the ILM Level 2 module.

The purpose and aim of this unit is to prepare learners for team leadership. Through the unit, the practising and potential team leaders are provided with guidance that helps them develop an understanding of induction and coaching and the role that this plays in achieving the required goals and objectives within the team. The unit also aims at ensuring that the team leaders being trained have the information and skills that is required to achieve their duties and responsibilities through effective coaching and induction in the case of team members.

Suitability of the Course

The course is significantly applicable to different leadership levels. Organisational leaders are required to empower the members of the organisation to ensure that they are able to perform and fulfil their duties and responsibilities within their organisations. 8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace contribute to building the knowledge and understanding that helps these leaders to fulfil this duties and responsibilities.

The unit is highly applicable to different leaders, including top management, departmental leaders and line managers. These are individuals tasked with the duty of creating learning and training strategies and plans that are aimed at improving the ability of the members to work within their organisation. However, this unit is significantly designed to impact the ability of the team and cell leaders. This is a process that involves providing the team and cell leaders with information that helps them to oversee activities within their teams.

By boosting their ability to conduct induction and coaching procedures, the unit helps these leaders to pursue their leadership responsibilities with diligence and impact the performance, attitudes and behaviours of their teams. The unit is also conducive for employees within the organisations who have not yet been assigned any leadership responsibilities in preparation for future duties that could be assigned to them where they will need to work in collaboration with others to achieve assigned tasks.

8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of orientation and induction of new members

  • Show understanding of principles of induction

  • Identify the induction procedure put out within the organisation.

  • Identify specific approaches that can be used to support new members to the organisation

  • Recognise coaching techniques that can be used to improve the performance and confidence of teams within the workplace

  • Create a coaching plan with diverse coaching tasks and activities that can be used to improve the performance of the teams

  • Show knowledge on the role and importance of constructive feedback in the process of coaching and improving the induction of employees

Key Learning Areas

8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace focuses on building the ability of the team leaders to achieve efficiency in the performance of the team members. This process is important in boosting leadership outcomes. Some of the main learning areas for this unit include

Principles of Induction

Induction is critical within any team since it prepares and orients the new team members to the responsibilities within the organisation. It involves communicating responsibilities effectively and instilling a specific team culture. 8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace provides the learners with the necessary skills and knowledge that can be implemented to achieve the desired levels of knowledge and skills.

The learners are also guided to understand the role that company procedures play in setting up the induction procedures to ensure that the practices within the team are aligned to the organisation and avoid conflicts. Lastly, the learners are guided in developing effective support systems that can be used to achieve the desired levels of orientation to the teams.

Principles of Coaching

Coaching is a unique process that is pursued to build confidence and improve performance within the workplace. 8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace provides learners with an understanding of the main principles that should be followed when implementing the coaching strategies.

Through learning pursued in this unit, the learners are able to differentiate coaching and training hence ensure that they are able to overcome failures that could arise in the coaching process. Lastly, the learners are helped to understand the process and procedure of conducting effective coaching, including appreciating feedback and improving attitudes towards the process.

Wrap Up

8000-254 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace is one of the most critical learning areas that leaders need to pursue to ensure that they are able to achieve their duties and responsibilities of supporting employees to achieve the desired and expected standards of performance.

The course is evaluated using techniques including written assessment and a work-based evidence template where the learner is required to provide both theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of the concepts around coaching and induction of team members. The learners must exhibit the ability to practically implement the strategies that have been learned within their organisations through supervised practice and simulation of specific cases.


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