8000-273 Gathering, Interpreting and Utilising Data in the Workplace

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8000-273 Gathering, Interpreting and Utilising Data in the Workplace

The contemporary organisation requires effective use of data to make effective decisions. Workplace leaders should therefore develop effective skills and strategies that involve the collection and interpretation of data that informs their ability to guide and make decisions on behalf of the employees or team members. 8000-273 Gathering, Interpreting and Utilising Data in the Workplace is a unit within ILM Level 2 model that focuses on these aspics that involve the gathering, interpreting and utilisation of data that is relevant to teams in the workplace.

The unit helps build an understanding of the importance of data within the workplace and the techniques that can be used by leaders to ensure that they have access to all the forms of data that they require in the process of leadership. This unit is effective in creating an appreciation of data-based decision-making within the workplace.

The main purpose and aim of the unit is to develop an understanding of the importance of data as well as the process of gathering, selecting and using information for specific purposes, which is critical for practicing and potential team leaders. The unit is taught in 3 hours of guided learning before which it is assessed and is equivalent to 1 credit value within the module.

Suitability of the Unit

Data-based decision-making is the modern approach to creating activities, practices and procedures within the organisation. Different stakeholders have the responsibility of making decisions at different levels, including the strategic level, which is made by the top management; tactical level, made by the line managers and the operational level, which is the responsibility of team leaders and supervisors.

This unit is suitable for all these lines of leadership as it helps them to appreciate the role that the data plays in improving their decision-making and introducing approaches that are conducive to their teams and areas of responsibility. Team members and employees, in general, also have the authority to make key decisions on their actions, and using data is important.

The unit is, however designed to provide basic information that is suited for team leaders and supervisors within the organisation who oversee the activities of different units in the workplace. Employees and team members can pursue the unit to build their professional proficiency and in preparation for leadership tasks within the organisation.

8000-273 Gathering, Interpreting and Utilising Data in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the significance of data in the process of leading teams in the workplace

  • Identify different sources of information within the workplace

  • Describe the process of obtaining data from the sources using different methods that are applicable within the workplace and convenient for the leader

  • Interpret the data and present it in simple ways that can be used to address an identified purpose in the workplace

  • Show understanding of the criteria for selecting data that is appropriate for specific purposes within the workplace

  • Understand the use of data to effectively achieve team goals and objectives and contribute to the accomplishment of organisational goals.

Key Learning Areas

8000-273 Gathering, Interpreting and Utilising Data in the Workplace focuses on providing the learners with skills and knowledge on the collection and use of data within the workplace. This is a critical unit that backs the contemporary evidence-based practice, which relies on reliable and valid data in making critical organisational decisions hence guiding the activities and practices that are adapted within the organisation. Some of the main learning areas in the unit include:

Data Collection

This subject focuses on improving the ability of the learners to collect and gather information from different sources. The learners are introduced to different methods of data collection, including questionnaires, surveys or observation.

This unit helps the learners to identify the pros and cons of each method hence ensuring that they are able to apply the specific data gathering and collection method for specific processes that are aimed at supporting the team activities and processes such as decision making.

Data Interpretation and Analysis

After learning the process of data searching and retrieval, the learners must understand the process of analysing the data and representing it in forms that can be easily interpreted. This involves creating a visual representation of the data, which aids in creating easy mechanisms for making judgments and decisions from the data. This area helps in creating this simpler forms of data that are useful within the organisation in achieving specific purposes within a team.

Data Use

This area of learning focuses on the actual use of the data to achieve the specific purpose identified in the workplace. The learners are guided on identifying the validity and reliability of data in addressing specific workplace needs.

They also help to understand the use of data for different purposes, such as decision-making and problem-solving hence improving the performance of teams and the organisation in general. This area further helps to implement corrective actions, support an argument or make reports to both internal and external bodies.


At the end of the unit, the learners are evaluated using a written assessment and supervised practice. The written assessment involves a set of questions that the learners are required to respond to, giving an overview of their mastery of theoretical information and concepts within the unit. The supervised practice helps to show the ability to apply the content learned in the unit within a practical setting.



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