5UIN Using the Information in Human Resources

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5UIN Using the Information in Human Resources

Unit Overview

5UIN is a unit within CIPD Level 5 module that focuses on providing learners with an understanding of using information in various human resource practices. The contemporary corporate world is largely informed and driven by evidence-based practice. As such people professionals need to master the role that information plays within the organisational context especially in managing of human practices and optimising the performances of the employees.

Using the Information Human Resources (5UIN) is a unit that offers these opportunities to understand the roles of each stakeholders within the organisation and ensure that the organisation is able to serve its responsibilities to the stakeholders through effective human resource management. It helps to define and understand the goals of an organisation in relation to the coulometers of the organisation. This are skill that are highly important to leaders within the organisation in ensuring that they have HR practices aligned to these goals and objectives as well as focus on ensuring they achieve the preset duties to stakeholders within the organisation.

Unit Objectives

Some of the main objectives that will be achieved through pursuing this unit as an HR professional, organisational leader or interested individual include:

  • Be able to describe the goals of an organisation

  • Understand both the internal and external customers of an organisation and the duty of the organisation to these customers

  • Be able to analyse the impacts of external factors on the people practices within the organisation

  • Understand the structure of the organisation

  • Analyse and interpret the impact of organisational culture on organisational operations

  • Understand the role of Human Resource management, and Learning and development activities in supporting the organisation strategy

  • Explain the role of people professionals in supporting line managers and associated staff.

5UIN Using the Information in Human Resources

Unit Applicability

This unit is suitable to all individuals within the organisation responsible for directly dealing with employees. People professionals are one of the groups that benefits the most from being engaged in the unit as they have the understanding of important information that will help build their ability to optimise the performance of the employees in relation to the organisational strategy and goals.The unit helps to provide them with information that is critic lain improving their influence on the organisational performance through performance management and conducting learning and development process.

The unit focuses on building knowledge on the role of effective human resource practices and Learning and development programs in both implementing the organisation strategy and supporting both the line managers and associated employees. This is critical information that learners within this unit can use to ensure they improve their practices within their organisational context as well as help them to grow as people professionals in their different areas of practice.

Key Learning Areas

The unit presents information that covers a wide range of topics from the relationship between the organisation and its stakeholders to the role that effective human resource management practices play in influencing the performance of the organisation by boosting the implementation of the organisation strategy and supporting the line management and staff. Some of the critical areas that the topic cover include:

Stakeholder Analysis

This is a critical area of study within the unit that focuses on understanding the customers to the organisation both internal and external. After the completion of this unit the learners will be able to differentiate the internal and external customers to the business and identify the role that the organisation needs to play to fulfill its obligation to each group of customers as well as the contribution that these individuals make to the organisation. The learners are also provided with knowledge of relating human resource practices to the ability of the organisation to fulfill its mandate to the stakeholders.

Organisational Structure

Organisational structure is an important area of study in 5UIN which helps to understand the nature of the organisation, how this influences the organisation culture and the ability of support that these processes give to the employees within the organisation. The organisational structure is important in influencing the channel of communication as well as improving the culture developed within the company.

Business Environment

5UIN is important in providing the opportunity or the learners to develop skills that are required in conducing both internal and external business s environment analysis hence creating information on the influence of the external factors on the organisation. These area provides the learners with the understanding of critical tools such as PESTLE analysis that they can apply in conducting an effective external environment analysis hence achieve the desired levels of understanding of external factors.

Role of HR Department

The HR department within any organisation is important in achieving organisational goals and houses all people professionals within the organisation. This unit provides an understanding of the various roles that the human resource department plays within the organisation. The HR department contributes in setting organisation strategy as well as providing the necessary support to the line managers and staff within the organisation. As such, this area of study in 5UIN provides the learners with an understanding of the role the department plays and techniques that can be used to improve the accomplishment fo this roles within the organisation.

Wrap Up

After completing the unit, the learner is put through an assessment that will be used to gauge the accomplishment of the learning goals and objectives set for the unit. The learners will be required to prepare a 3900 words assessment where they answer questions that relate with the content that has been learned within the unit. In answering this questions, the learners are required to provide valid examples for their organisations or organisations of choice.

This aspect of the assessment ensures that there is mastery of the content as well as the ability to apply the learned content in a practical organisational setting especially where the learners work or look to be engaged. Through completing this unit, the learners are prepared to influence their organisations by improving the accomplishment of organisational goals through effective management of organisational strategies.


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