Unit 2005V1 Building Work Relationships

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Unit 2005V1 Building Work Relationships

Unit Overview

Unit 2005V1 Building work relationships is a unit within the CMI Level 2 module that focuses on improving the interaction among people in the workplace. Leaders must be able to facilitate the development of relationships within the workplace. They should be able to set the principles and policies that guide the building of relationships among the members of their teams to ensure that they facilitate productive relationships and connectivity between the individuals within the teams. Work relationships are important in building collaborative working within the workplace. Leaders must create a relationship with their teams that focuses on improving openness within the workplace and facilitating effective communication within the workplace. They should also ensure that the working relationships that have been developed focus on improving the ability of the team to accomplish its goals and objectives. Thus contributing to the overall performance of the team and aligning its productivity to the organisational goals and objectives. 

Unit 2005V1 Building work relationships is a unit that focuses on improving the ability of the team to accomplish the set goals and objectives through the use of effective working relationships. The unit provides the leaders with an understanding of different approaches and mechanisms that they can use to effectively improve interrelationships within their teams. This unit provides the learners with interactive and practical learning programs that help them to create successful and relevant working relationships within their teams. This involves setting up partnerships that contribute towards accomplishing team goals and objectives. The unit is taught in 15 hours of guided learning and contributes 5 credit values towards the completion of the CMI Level 2 module.

Suitability of the Unit

Building work relationships should be a principal focus of any individual within the workplace. It involves all human stakeholders involved in creating strategies and approaches to accomplishing organisational goals and objectives. Building working relationships focuses on building the ability of other stakeholders to work collaboratively to handle their different duties and responsibilities assigned within the teams. Leaders have a bigger responsibility to ensure that they develop an environment that is based on relevant and effective working relationships in their specific areas of responsibility. They should influence the attitudes and perceptions of their team members towards the roles of working relationships in imping performance and boosting partnerships that have positive impacts on the organisation in general. Unit 2005V1 Building work relationships is, therefore, a suitable unit for the leaders as the basic targets and another human stakeholder as secondary targets. 

The unit is designed to improve the ability of leaders within the workplace to create effective working conditions or situations that improve collaborative working within the workplace. The unit is designed to serve the learning needs of junior leaders and team leaders within the workplace. It ensures the leaders understand approaches they can use to oversee activities within their units and teams hence promoting performance and success. The unit is, however, suitable for employees and team members within the workplace. It builds their understanding of working relationships and impacts their attitudes toward such practices. It also helps to prepare them for leadership roles within the workplace.

Unit 2005V1 Building Work Relationships

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand communication methods that can be used to communicate with senior leaders and managers

  • Understand the significance of working relationships with managers and issues that need to be communicated with these senior leaders

  • Identify appropriate communication methods available for the team to facilitate effective interaction

  • Show knowledge of the need for good working relationships within the team

  • Identify the approaches that can be used to maintain confidentiality in communication with the team

  • Understand the role of the team leader in supporting management decisions and passing information from senior authority to the team

  • Identify the individuals outside the team who are involved in developing effective working relationships with

  • Identify the role and reasons for developing working relationships with individuals outside the team

  • Compare communication methods that are used by individuals within the team and those outside the team

Key Learning Areas

Unit 2005V1 Building work relationships is a unit that focuses on establishing the process of handling the team. It involves approaches that are used to devise and manage the team approaches. The main areas of learning covered within the unit include:

Working Relationships with the Manager

This area of learning helps the learners to understand the role of the managers in influencing the team activities and practices. It helps the learners to understand the approaches to creating working relationships with managers and the role that these relationships have in ensuring the team is able to achieve its goals and objectives. The area further ensures that the learner is able to pass information from the managers and senior leaders within the workplace to the team effectively.

Working Relationships with the Team

This area of learning focuses on guiding learners on approaches that could be used to set up effective working relationships between team members. The area of learning contributes to understanding the different and most effective approaches of communication that can be established to communicate with members of the team. It involves understanding the principles that guide ethical and productive interaction, including confidentiality, privacy, and focus on team goals.

Working Relationships with Individuals Outside the Team

This area of learning involves understanding the different stakeholders outside the team who could contribute is in achieving the goals and objectives of the team. It involves understanding the need to slavish working relationships with individuals outside the team and the reasons that necessitate these relationships. The learners are also taught to understand the different approaches that can be used to communicate with individuals outside the team during the process of developing and managing these relationships, as well as the differences between these methods and those established with team members and managers.


Upon completion of the unit, the learners are required to complete an evaluation. The main form of evaluation is a summative assessment which utilises a written assessment where the learners provide a response to questions and a template on the unit. This tests both the therewithal understanding of the concepts and practical abilities based on principles learned.


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