306 Principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Working Practices

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306 Principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Working Practices

Unit Overview

306 Principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusive Working Practices is a unit within the CMI level 3 module that focuses on improving the ability of leaders' ability to achieve equality and inclusive practices. Ethical and legal principles must guide organisations in the contemporary setting in relation to handling their employees and customers. This involves being able to set up approaches that promote equality, diversity, and inclusive working practices. These practices are aligned to ensure that all employees, despite their backgrounds, are accepted within the workplace.

It also focuses on ensuring that the practices and activities within the workplace are not discriminative to any groups of individuals hence promoting the ability of the organisation to serve all customers, both internal and external, fairly. Leaders must also be able to develop cultures and approaches that embrace the differences between individuals that arise as a result of individual or cultural factors hence ensuring that the culture is tolerant to such groups of people and promotes the wellbeing of all. This requires the leaders to understand both the legal and ethical frameworks developed to guide working practices.

306 Principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusive Working Practices is a unit that is designed to provide leaders with an understanding of their contributions to creating work practices guided by principles of equality, diversity, and inclusivity. The unit is designed to help the leader builds the ability to adhere to these principles and ensure that the policies and procedures developed within their areas of responsibility are guided by the principles. This makes this unit critical in ensuring the organisations are compliant with the law and focus on ethical principles in handling people affected by their activities. The unit is taught in 24 hours of guided learning and contributes 6 credit values towards the completion of the CMI Level 3 module.

Suitability of the Unit

The workplace should ensure that it focuses on equality, diversity, and inclusivity. This makes the unit critical in ensuring that all stakeholders, including leaders, employees, and members of project teams, are able to develop behaviours and attitudes that are guided by the principles. This stakeholder must develop tolerant behaviours that accommodate others despite the differences based on cultural and individual factors.

As such, 306 Principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusive Working Practices is a unit that contributes to building the abilities of different stakeholders within the workplace to embrace and develop approaches based on diversity and equality. However, the unit is more suitable for leaders within the workplace. It helps them to understand their role in shaping the cultural and work practices within their areas of responsibility.

By setting policies and acceptable behaviours that guide the interaction between individuals, leaders are able to instill principles of diversity, equality, and inclusivity within the teams. It is designed to improve the ability of first-line managers and supervisors to effectively handle their teams effectively. This unit also focuses on improving their ability to recruit individuals and members of their work teams, ensuring they create a multicultural group of people in their teams. Employees and team members can use this unit as a stepping stone to prepare them for leadership in other engagements within the workplace.

306 Principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Working Practices

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of equality and diversity within the workplace

  • Understand the legal and ethical principles developed to guide the development of equality and diversity within the workplace

  • Understand the policies and procedures that have been implemented within the workplace to increase the performance in line with equality, inclusivity and diversity within the workplace

  • understand the principles that underpin inclusive working practices and outline the behaviours that promote inclusion in the workplace

  • understand the benefits of inclusive working practices within the organisation

Show knowledge 

  • of issues that affect inclusive working practices and identify those that may compromise the practices implemented within the workplace

  • Understand the process of implementing equality, diversity and inclusive working practice within the organisation

  • understand the methods that can be used to monitor the practices of equality, diversity and inclusive working practices

  • Understand the benefits of challenging discriminatory practices of staff and colleagues and identify approaches that can be used in challenging such behaviours in the workplace

  • Understand the limits of authority for the leaders in ensuring that discriminatory behavior area challenged within t eh workplace

Key Learning Areas

306 Principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Working Practices focuses on ensuring that there is effective behaviour and standards of the leaders. Some of the main areas of learning covered include:

Principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusive Working Practices

This area of learning focuses on understanding these practices that are based on equality, diversity and inclusivity. It presents the learners with an understanding of the legal frameworks that should be used in setting up the organisational policies and approaches in relation to the creation of equality and diversity in the workplace. The learners are also guided to understand the issues that may affect inclusive working practices within the workplace. This involves the conflicts that could arise between the legal and ethical frameworks and the organisational policies, compromising the adaptation of sustainable approaches relating to equality, diversity and inclusive working practices

Monitoring Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Working Practices

Leaders are trained to effectively manage the activities in their areas of responsibility to ensure that they are ethical and legal. This area of learning involves identifying the challenges to implementing equality, diversity and inclusive working practices, as well as putting up strategies that can be used to overcome such challenges.

Challenging Discrimination

This area of learning helps the learner build the ability to manage their working practices to facilitate equality, diversity and inclusive working practices. It helps the learners to understand the extent that they can reach in challenging employees engaged in discriminative practices as well as institute the desired levels of tolerance within their areas of responsibility.


On completing the unit, the learners are put through the evaluation process. This process involves completing a written assessment that determines the mastery of theoretical and practical concepts.


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