8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team

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8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team

8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team is a unit within the ILM Level 2 module that focuses on building working relationships. This unit addresses the issue of communicating with other stakeholders and peers within the organisation but engaged with different teams. Teams within an organisation need to ensure that there is effective communication to forester collaboration and coordination, which his critic lain, ensuring that there is the similar pull of efforts in achieving the desired organisational goals and objectives.

As such, the team leaders must be trained on the effective strategies that they can put in place to ensure that they create adequate communication with people outside their working team. Additionally, the team needs support outside their working team in terms of technical or management support. This makes it crucial to build the skills required to create a positive communication environment that improves interaction with people outside the team.

The main purpose and aim of this unit is to develop an understanding of the importance and strategies to communicate with people audio your team as a team leader. The unit is achieved in 7 hours of guided learning and relates to 1 credit value in the overall grading within the ILM Level 2 module. The learning content is delivered through virtual learning, online classes and interaction with the assessors. Simulations and practical learning are critical lain, ensuring the learners are able to master the concepts of the course.

Suitability of the Course

This section addresses the individuals who can pursue the course to effectively improve their skills and abilities. 8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team is primarily designed to improve the knowledge of team leaders. It helps to provide them with the theory and practice that is required when leading a team to interact with members of other teams as well as communicate with stakeholders within the organisations.

As such, the unit helps to build the relevant communication and interpersonal relationship skills among the team leaders. These are skill sets that can be used by other stakeholders within the organisation. The top management and line managers, who are required to provide support to the teams, can use the knowledge and skills provided within the unit to create effective approaches to receiving information from the team leaders and providing relevant feedback.

The employees and team members can also pursue the course to improve their communication and interpersonal skills. This is important in developing social relationships within the workplace that foster understanding of the specific roles that they should play as well as improving skills. This could also contribute to improving their performance once they are assigned leadership duties within the organisation.

8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Show understanding of effective communication with those outside their teams by understanding the importance o the process and showing knowledge of principles of effective communication.

  • Be able to know the methods that can be sued to communicate with people outside the team effectively in providing feedback, building working relationships or seeking support.

  • Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each method of communication hence boost their ability to select an effective method for the case of their teams in their areas of responsibility.

  • Understand the role that creating a positive environment and impression to internal and external customers plays in boosting the success of the team.

  • Communicate effectively on product/ service knowledge to the external and internal customers hence developing a positive impression to those outside the team.

  • understand the significance of aligning the communication approaches to legal, organisational and ethical standards when communicating with the external and internal customers

  • Demonstrate relevant communication skills that are important in improving the working relationships with those outside their working teams.

Key Learning Areas

This is a unit that aims at improving the communication skills and abilities of the team leaders, especially with the internal and external customers of the team. Some of the main areas of learning covered by the unit include:

Effective Communication

8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team helps to build the theoretical information and understanding that is required in devising the desired communication skills and abilities among the stakeholders. This area of learning focuses on addressing the theory and practice associated with understanding the principles of effective communication when dealing with stakeholders outside the organisation.

The area is effective in covering critical information that the team leaders apply when providing reports to eh superiors or seeking support from senior management and technical units. This area of learning also focuses on skills necessary for maintaining effective working relationships with those outside the team.

Communicating with Internal and External Customers

This area focuses on specific communication with the internal and external customers, who are the main stakeholders outside the working teams. It helps the team leaders understand methods of creating a positive impression and how this could impact the relationships of their teams with the customers.

Through pursuing this unit, the learner is able to understand the need to master the product/ service to ensure that they can effectively communicate it to the internal and external customers. This area further helps to build the communication skills and align the communication strategies and approaches developed by the team leader to the legal, organisational and ethical standards that govern the process of providing information to the different categories of customers within the organisation.

Wrap Up 

As seen, 8000-263 Communicating with People outside the Working Team is an important unit for any level of leadership within the organisation as it helps to improve communication skills which are a critical area of proficiency required for leaders. The unit covers critical aspects in building team leaders to influence the performance of their teams.

This unit is evaluated using a written assessment where the learners are required to respond to questions provided on basic principles of communicating with internal and external customers. The assessors in supervised practice can also examine the ability of the learners to implement the skills learned in their practice.


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