7MER Managing Employment Relations

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7MER Managing Employment Relations

Module Overview

7MER Managing Employment Relations is offered under the advanced CIPD Level 7 course. The unit focuses on ensuring that the learners and HR professionals are provided with relevant information that helps them to create effective employment relationships within the organisation.

It is important within any organisation to ensure that the employees can collaborate with other stakeholders, including the management and shareholders, as the employers, to achieve the organisational goals and objectives.This unit helps the managers acquire the theoretical and practical information they can apply to generate an environment that supports effective working among the employees.

Work relationships are important in motivating employees and ensuring that employment expectations and contracts are fulfilled, facilitating a trust-based relationship. These courses also help the learners to develop an understanding of the role that the organisation has to play in ensuring that it creates continuous professional development for the employees. These are achieved a as means of ensuring that the organisation fulfills its obligation to the employees.

Unit Objectives

7MER Managing Employment Relations focuses on helping the learners to understand critical information that relate to the employment relationships that is developed between the employer and employees. At the end of this unit, the learner should be able to:

  • Identify different theories and frameworks that relate to employment relationships

  • Be able to apply the theories in analysing a specific organisational context

  • Evaluate the impact of employment relations in strategically placing the organisation within the local and global labor markets.

  • Understand the role of various parties within the organisation and representation of employees that influence through controlling and managing, the employment relationship.

  • Understand the importance of organisational-level employment relations in supporting organisational performance through boosting the productivity of its workforce.

  • Examine the significance of employment relations in reducing risks such as grievances, employee turnover and discipline issues.

  • Relate the impact of employee relationships strategies in the performance of the employees and the organisation in general.

  • Understand the legal and ethical obligations of different parties in engaging within the employment agreement and how this impacts employee relations management

7MER Managing Employment Relations

Suitability of the Course

All stakeholders within the organisation should understand the critical principles that guide the employee-employer relations. This facilitates the fulfillment of the obligations that are borne within the agreement and presented by both the implied and expressed terms within the agreement. 7MER is a unit that helps to provide the stakeholders with this overviews. It helps them to understand the role that it can play in involving the employees within this organisation and presenting them with a working psychological contract which aims at improving their wellbeing within the organisation.

The unit is therefore important for different stakeholders.First the HR professionals are the most benefited from the content of this unit. HR professionals gain information on developing effective relations with the employees which is critical in facilitating employee engagement and satisfaction that are critical tenets in improving the performance of the organisation. The executive and line managers within the organisation also need to have understanding and information on the employee relationship management strategies and techniques.

The unit helps leaders in the development and implementation of both strategic and operational decisions which aim at using this employee relationship to achieve the organisational goals and maximising the performance of the workers which is translated to organisational performance.External HR consultants also need the information on this unit to ensure they can effectively provide advice and support that is relevant in achieving the set organisational goals. These are groups of individual tasked with supporting decision making and the unit provide relevant information within their professional practice.

Key Learning Areas

The employment relations area is a wide area that covers different interactions within the workplace. It covers the relational factors that may contribute to improving the experience of the workers as well as the impact that these factors could have on the performance of the employees. Some of the critical areas of learning in 7MER Managing Employment Relations include.

Employment Relations Theories

This area examines the existing theories that have been developed by previous scholars. By providing the learners with this existing theories, the learner is able to develop a perspective into the issue which guides their understanding and analysis of their specific organisations.

There are different theories that support employment relationships management such as Daniel Pink’s theory which suggests the role that the employment relationships management has on the motivation of the workers. These theories help to build towards the contextual understanding of the performance of the employees.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is one of the critical areas in ensuring that the employment relationship management is achieved. Employee engagement involves initiatives that are put in place within the organisation to facilitate success within the company.

7MER helps the learners to understand the different strategies that can be put in place to achieve the desired levels of employee engagement. These include setting up employee voice and other strategies to foster participation.

Risks Associated with Employee Relationships Management

7MER helps the learners to understand the risks that are associated with poor employment relationship management. Employee turnover is one of the main effect of poor employment relationship management.

Employment relationships management result to issues including dismissal, retirement or redundancy which are guided by the law. HR professionals need to understand such risk to ensure that they can devise effective strategies and mechanisms they can use to mitigate e their impacts on the performance of their organisations.

Wrap UP

7MER is an important course that helps the HR professionals develop skills that are important in facilitating their daily activities. These skills help in developing strategies and people practices that aid their daily activities that aim at improving the employer-employee relationships as well as facilitate an enabling environment for the employees.

Upon completion of this course, the learners are put through assessment that gauges their understanding of the theoretical frameworks that are taught within the course as well as the application of the concepts within a practical context. These is achieved through a word assessment and completion of work-based templates on employment relationship management.


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