5IVP Improving Organisational Performance

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5IVP Improving Organisational Performance

Unit Overview

5IVP is a unit in level 5 CIPD module that focuses on continuous improvement of the organisation through development of persons within the organisation by boosting their skills, character and productivity within the organisation. This unit helps the HR professionals to adhesive sustainable growth in terms of organisational performance through developing high-performance work practices (HPWP).

This unit provides learners with the necessary principles and theoretical frameworks that are applicable in setting up the desired organisational environments that facilitate the desired levels of growth in performance. Through boosting the ability of HR professionals to influence the wellbeing of employees, create development programs and set an effective working environment that is supportive for the desired environment, the course influences the performance of the organisation in general.

 Unit Objectives

i.               provide a definition of high performance working practices and the role that it plays I creating a highly performing work environment

ii.             Understand the principles that guide the development of  high performance working practices (HPWP)

iii.            Understand the role that employee performance management plays in influencing the performance of the organisation in general

iv.            Exhibit mastery of skills that create an influence on the performance of human resource and people stakeholder within the organisation.

v.              Acquire knowledge on creating a sustainable and enabling environment within the workplace to facilitate a high-performance culture

vi.            Develop practical measures that facilitate continues organisational improvement through helping the employees within the organisation work on themselves to improve their productivity and contribution to the organisation.

5IVP Improving Organisational Performance

Unit Content

5IVP covers diverse areas of human resource professional practice. It focuses on the areas that help the professionals to improve in their ability to influence organisational activity and set a high –performance culture within the organisation. Some of the key areas include

High Performance Work Practices

5IVP presents the learners with the ability to gain a deeper understanding on the concept of high performance work practices which facilitate sustainable organisational performance. These practices are developed through effective handling of stakeholders within the organisation and majorly the employees to set up an enabling environment that supports high performance among the workers. The development of these practices within the specific organisational context studied in different countries including the UK, UAE and Qatar is one of the skills that the learners will acquire from pursuing this course to its completion.

Innovative and Creative Practices

The unit provides information to the professionals on the best approaches that facilitate the concept of innovativeness and creativity. From the course, the learners are able to acquire information on those practices and strategies that they can put in place to set an environment that values and support high innovative abilities among the workers which is a critical element in improving the ability of the employees to deliver in their duties and responsibilities hence improve the performance of the organisation and help in achieving both long term and short term goals of the organisation.  Additionally, the course provides department and line managers with information and knowledge that is required to develop practical skills that facilitate high-performance work cultures within their specific areas of management.

Sustainable Growth

After developing the high performance work practices, it is critical to ensure that they are sustainable and upheld within the organisation in a way that they facilitate continuity in the growth experienced in the organisation.

5IVP provides the support to the HR professionals in improving inclusive collaborative working and communication within the organisation to ensure that they support the principles of trust, diversity and teamwork, which are essential building blocks to an inclusive, engaged and productive workforce. It also helps to boost the development strategies and plans that are devised and implemented within the organisation to sustainably achieve organisational goals and objectives.

Unit Applicability

The improving organisational performance, 5IVP, unit is highly versatile. It is applicable to organisational leaders and managers in different positions within the organisation. The HR professionals, however, are the most suited to this unit. By the end of the unit, the professionals have the skills to effectively guide the organisation into adopting high-performance work practices through influencing the workforce. Other groups who can utilise the sets of skills and information acquired from the unit include line and department managers who verse the organisational practices and influence the organisational culture.

Executive management could also use the unit to further their administration within the organisation. Through the content of the unit, they can develop a clear understanding of the different strategies that can be put in place within the organisation to create a sustainable growth and improvement of organisational performance.At the end of this unit, the learners are expected to be in a position to implement their acquired knowledge in creating high-performance work practices (HPWP).

By mastering the concept and principles related to high-performance working, the leaners are transited to the organisations with better techniques and knowledge to improve their organisations and create sustainable performance growth. Professionals pursuing this course will develop high levels of creativity and innovativeness in design solutions to organisational challenges and issues that create a stagnated or declining performance improving the organisational culture and restructuring the workforce to focus on high-performance practices.

Assessment and Summary

The unit covers learning content associated with skills that help professional to facilitate sustainably improving organisational performance. This involves offering knowledge that helps to build the relevant skills for people professionals to effectively carry out their duties and responsibilities in line with improving the performance of the organisation.

Assessment will, therefore, requires the learners to exhibit high levels of theoretical mastery of information as well as be able to apply the skills in simulated scenarios or case studies. The assessment further requires the learners to exhibit application of learned concepts within their organisations or organisations they select to research on hence indicating the ability to relate learned content to actual organisational situations and boost the confidence of the learners.


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