Unit 2003V1 Monitoring Team Performance

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Unit 2003V1 Monitoring Team Performance

Unit Overview

Unit 2003V1 Monitoring team performance is a critical unit within the CMI Level 2 module that focuses on improving the ability of the leaders within the workplace to optimise performance. Leaders must understand the approaches needed to evaluate and monitor the performance of their teams. Performance management requires monitoring performance to identify areas of underperformance. The process of monitoring team performance involves being able to effectively identify the needs of the leaders to develop approaches that can be used to influence the team members to pursue improved levels of performance. As such, it is critical to ensure that leaders within the workplace are taken through the development and learning processes that improve the skills, competencies, and knowledge of the leaders in monitoring team performance.

Unit 2003V1 Monitoring team performance is a unit ha is designed to improve the ability of the leaders within the organisations to effectively monitor and review team performance. The unit raises the awareness of the leaders on the role that effective monitoring of the activities and accomplishment of activities within the teams plays in increasing the ability to effectively accomplish the tasks and responsibilities and focus on improving the performance of the teams. the learners are also guided to build the effective skills and theoretical knowledge that they need to achieve the desired capability for monitoring and evaluating the performance of their teams.

Suitability of the Unit

Understanding the performance of the team is a critical step in ensuring that the leader has the ability and potential to effectively drive the team to achieve its goals and objectives. This process involves understanding the need to effectively monitor and improve performance as well as put up strategies to maintain standards within the teams. The leaders in different areas of operation within the workplace must show the ability to effectively handle the process of managing performance in their teams.

They must be able to put up measures of evaluating performance in line with the set expectations and objectives of the teams. Due to the significance of performance management, Unit 2003V1 Monitoring team performance becomes a critical unit that focuses on improving the ability of the leaders within the departments, teams and organisations in general to effectively handle performance management and improvement. The unit is designed to meet the learning needs of the team leaders and junior needs within the workplace.

The unit provides these leaders with the necessary information that they need to optimise the performance within their teams. By understanding approaches and methods that they can use to effectively monitor the performance of the teams, the leader is able to create effective measures that help them to evaluate the performance of the individuals. It is, however, applicable to other stakeholders within the workplace. This involves the senior and middle managers within the workplace who are involved in making strategic decisions. Employees and team members can benefit from understanding mechanisms through which they can evaluate their performance. They can also use the unit to steer their progression into leadership within the workplace.

Unit 2003V1 Monitoring Team Performance

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Understand the methods that they can use to develop objectives of their teams based on instructions that have been given to them

  • Understand the principles and methods that they can use for effective work planning and allocation of duties within the team to meet assigned objectives

  • Understand the approaches that they can use to communicate the connection between the team objectives and responsibilities of the individuals and its impact on accomplishing team goals and objectives

  • Monitor the progress of the team against the team's objective

  • identify the different actions that can be taken to ensure the work does not deviate from the accepted standards

  • Describe the approaches of reviewing any changes to the organisational set work objectives and duties

  • Show understanding of approaches to give feedback to the individuals and teams

  • Develop a plan to use the performance feedback to improve the performance of team members by motivating them to work on improvement suggestions and guiding them to identify appropriate strategies for development

Key Learning Areas

Unit 2003V1 Monitoring team performance focuses on improving the ability of the team members to achieve optimised performance by focusing on the set organisational goals and objectives. Some of the areas that the unit covers includes:

Team Objectives and Planning

This area of learning guides the learners to understand critical approaches that can be used to identify the objectives of the team and set the goals and objectives of the members. The learners are guided on effective approaches to team planning, which involve the appropriate allocation of duties to the team members and setting timeframes within which the members must accomplish their duties and responsibilities within the workplace. The area of learning further helps to improve the understanding of the different standards of performance within the workplace hence achieving the desired goals and objectives of the team.

Monitoring and Reviewing Process

This area of learning is critical in improving the ability of the leaders to understand the levels of performance and identify areas that need improvement. This focuses on ensuring that the learners understand the effective approaches to monitoring the progress of their teams against the objectives that they have established. The learners are also guided in understanding the process of setting up revisions on the initially set work objectives. This involves understanding the complexity of deviations and the acceptable approaches that are designed to still focus on the agreed standards.

Giving Feedback

The learners are guided to the approaches and strategies that they can use to give feedback to the team members. This involves ensuring that the members understand the need for improvement in their practice and contribution to the team as well as improving the ability to facilitate optimisation of work performance. Learners are guided to achieve the desired levels of improvement through feedback and encouragement of the individuals.


The unit is evaluated based on various areas of performance. The main approach to assessment sued is the written assessment which involves understanding the theoretical and practical concepts learned within the unit. The learners are also evaluated using supervised practice and simulated exercises within the learning process.


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