716 Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing

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716 Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Unit Overview

716 Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing is a unit within the workplace that focuses on understanding the principles of focusing on the mental health of individuals within the workplace. The unit is important within the CMI Level 7 module, which is aligned with improving the abilities of the leaders to address the needs of their organisation in relation to mental health and wellbeing. In modern employment contracts, employers have a responsibility to address the needs of individuals in terms of mental health and well-being.

This is involved in the psychological contract, which outlines the specific obligations of the organisation to the employees and human stakeholders. Mental health is also one of the primary principles in ensuring that employees are more productive within the workplace. It is important for leaders overseeing strategic roles within the workplace to put up strategic approaches that focus on addressing the issues of mental health and well-being within the workplace. Leaders must, therefore, create approaches that focus on ensuring they develop effective interventions that improve the leaders with approaches to achieve the desired levels of strategic leadership.

716 Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing is a unit that is guided to improve the leadership practice of the learners. It is designed to ensure that both aspiring and new leaders within the workplace are guided to understand the principles of learning. The unit helps them to identify critical practices that are aligned with the psychological contract of the learners and includes providing interventions that focus on mental health and well-being within the workplace. The learners are also taught to ensure that they create engaging strategic approaches that give the employees the opportunity to give feedback on the issues within the workplace. The unit is taught in 18 hours of guided learning and contributes 7 credit values towards completing the module.

Suitability of the Unit

Leaders need to ensure that they guarantee the mental health and well-being of the individual that works under them .this is both an ethical and legal requirement of the organisation, which involves being able to effectively provide health and safety measures. The leaders must ensure that the environment that they create is based on the needs of the employees and the provisions of the psychological contract. This makes 716 Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing a suitable unit for leaders within the organisation who are required to oversee the activity of individuals. It helps them to understand the principles that they must consider when setting up approaches within their areas of responsibility.

The unit is designed with a focus on the learning needs of the senior managers within the workplace. These leaders are responsible for developing organizational level approaches and practices that focus on the strategic goals of the organisation. They have to ensure that the strategic approaches, they include critical concepts of mental health and well-being of the other employees within the workspace. This unit is also suitable for leaders in lower levels and middle levels within the workplace. It also helps the employees to understand different principles of mental well-being hence improving their engagement and investment in their organisations.

716 Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, the learners should be able to:

  • Discuss how mental health and well-being impacts both organisational and individual performance in work practices

  • Assess the complexities associated with being able to effectively manage mental health and well-being within the organisational context and approaches that can be put in place to address these issues

  • Evaluate the contemporary approaches to healthy work systems and the legal requirements created to ensure that leadership approaches are effectively implemented within the workplace

  • Make recommendations on strategies that can be sued to promote mental health and well-being in the organisational context

  • Appraise approaches for implementing and sustaining an effective organisational culture of mental health and wellbeing.

Key Learning Areas

This unit is critical in improving the ability of the leaders to effectively handle the activities of the organisation, which involves mental health and well-being. The unit ensures that the leaders are able to improve their capability and performance. Some of the main areas of learning include:

Organisational Performance and Mental Health

This area of learning is effective in helping the learners to effectively connect mental health to the performance of the leaders within the workplace. The learners are introduced to ensuring that they are able to identify the impacts of mental health and well-being on organisational performance. They are also guided to understand the concept of the psychological contract that involves ensuring that leaders are able to achieve the desired goals and objectives. This involves understanding the obligations of the organisation and the role that this plays in ensuring that it is compliant with the organisational goals and objectives. This area of learning also helps the learners to understand the legal frameworks that have been put in place to govern the health and safety approaches within the organisations based on mental health and wellbeing.

Developing a Culture of Mental Health and Wellbeing

This area of learning helps to build a new approach to considering the well-being of the individuals within the workplace. It involves being able to effectively establish and set up measures to improve eth e-safety approaches within the workplace. It helps to ensure that the leader is able to set up the new approach and strategies and support them to ensure that they are embraced within the workplace setting. This area of learning helps to understand methods of evaluating and appraising the performance of the mechanisms and approaches implemented within the learning area.


On completing the unit, the learners are required to complete an evaluation to ensure that they are able to achieve the desired goals and objectives of learning. The evaluation involves setting up measures from the formative and summative phases to assess the performance of the learners. The use of leaders involves being able to implement the theoretical information that has been learned within the practical context. A written assessment is used to effectively measure the performance of the learners in the formative phase.


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